Jerky Direct Member

About Jerky Direct Member would like to offer you an extra place to market your site.

In order to take part in this offer, all you have to do is be creative and create recipes with your jerky. You can develop any recipe, salads, pasta's, stews, snacks, the choice is yours.

Join either my forum, you will find it's link on the left of the site near the middle of or you could join our social network at and add your recipes there. The best recipes will be added to my Squidoo site.

Why should you consider this?

So far, I am offering you 2 different sites where you are getting one way links back to your Direct Jerky site and this will help with your search engine rankings since our sites are related.

Another reason is the fact that the RSS feeds from these sites are placed all over the web in community sites like Facebook, MySpace, Apsense and many more. What this boils down to is your recipes will get great coverage from not only network marketers but also the man in the street who may become your potential customer.

As I mentioned before, the recipes I like the most will be placed on one of my Squidoo sites giving you even more coverage and yet another one way link to your site.

I hope to see you at the sites.

P.S. I am not competition to you in any way since South Africans are not yet allowed to join in if I remember right :) Delight your taste buds today, they will thank you.