Facebook Money Guide & Tips!

About Facebook Money Guide & Tips!

According to Facebook, there are over 300 million active Facebook users. While over 50% of the users login to their Facebook account every single day, fastest growing demographic is 35 years old and older. (If you are interested in finding out more about Facebook’s demographics & stats, check out Facebook’s stats page.)

Whether you are a small business owner, an online marketer or the head of marketing at a giant corporation, if you are still not using Facebook to get new customers and business, you are making a huge mistake.

Facebook has an ad platform called Facebook Ads, and you can start advertising on Facebook Ads with as low as $1 a day. Yes, it is 1 buck a day.

At the end of this article, you will be able to launch your first Facebook Ads campaign and learn how to optimize Facebook Ads. If you have been running Facebook Ads, you will learn some advanced tips for Facebook Ads targeting and split testing which will end up lowering your ad spent tremendously for the same amount of clicks.