
About AffiliatesClub

For starters, you should know that:

• SFI is now in its 13th successful year on the Internet. In that time, SFI has grown from just one product to multiple subdivisions and 50,061 products and services.

• With 5,215 new affiliates joining weekly, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world. See the Global Growth Report to see just how fast!

• Since 1998, SFI has paid out MILLIONS of dollars in commissions to affiliates in over 190 countries. In other words, SFI is in virtually every country in the world! And in the process, SFI has become, truly, one of the Internet’s biggest success stories.

• SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 26th year of business and is a longtime member of the Better Business Bureau serving southern Nebraska.

• Working with SFI means having the peace of mind of working with a proven, debt-free company with a long, successful track record.