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  • Bless M. Senior   Home Maker

    Swom Experience
    Joined swom 3 weeks ago and now I am close to have 2k connections and 3k plus points earned. Got some of my referrals here in apsense and FB. I upgrad...
    View  -  Promote  -  Comment  -  Oct 26th 2010 19:25
  • Russell Chapman Advanced  Affiliate Marketer

    Is It Worth Going Gold
    Going gold costs $25 per month but it give you the following benefits Earn commission by referring new members who upgrade to gold. ($15 first month ...
    Bless M.  I am new to swomming but I find it interesting. I upgraded right away, studied it, and now I have $5 plus in less than a week. As long as you devote y...
    Oct 7th 00:28
    Bless M. Explode your swom referrals here... A must to have if you have swom.
    Oct 19th 23:20
    View  -  Promote  -  View all 2 comments »  -  Comment »  -  Oct 6th 2010 05:33