for Summaries & Reviews and Get Dolars

About for Summaries & Reviews and Get Dolars

Ever heard of the article could probably write a first currency know because I tried to search on google about how to make money on the internet. Apparently there are programs like that. central level summary of the world, so we pay if we write in the summary we will not be paid if we only read the summary but we paid because we wrote a summary of other writers, eg, from books, articles, magazines, newspapers, websites of others, but we must not be copied exactly from the original article. The advantage is that we are paid on a pay-per-view so it was not based on an ad is clicked on by visitors (pay-per-Clik)

Of the royalties received, will give each writer a summary of 10% from the royalties on each page where the summary results appear in accordance with the number of visitors who read our summary.
The difference again if we want to translate a summary of the whole into a particular language then we will get 5% from the royalties received by the company and 5% for the sum up to the original text, of course, corresponds to the number of visitors.
Wait let alone write so that we also get paid. Ok!Write a summary or review of any published written text, written in your own words. you may choose any published book, article, newspaper, website or academic work. Your summary should be up to 900 words long.
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