Information sheet, to mail with my complete copy of my manuscript. I just wanted to make clear, that I'm only writing "short" childrens stories, not novels, so the required amount of words typed, should be flexible, and reasonable. The target audiance will be strictly children, and as a Teacher, I know that the attention span is very limited, they don't like to read a lot of pages. So with that in mind, I hope that I can still be a fit, and do business with the company. May I suggest using pictures: cartoons of the characters in the story, along with one or two, paragraphs per page to lengthen the pages of the book, so the number of words can fit the number of pages, to meet possible guidelines? Here is a copy (preview) of my short story Christian manuscript, that I'm planning to send to you Friday, sign me up in the morning, I'll be checking my email, or calling you by lunchtime, then I'm mailing it off. So if you're ready, I'm ready. Nothing complex, I just want to write and get published Christian short stories, that's it. feel free, to lend any suggestions that you may have. Thanks!! --- On Fri, 4/3/09, Frank Beckles wrote: From: Frank Beckles Subject: Re: Complete Manuscript with corrections ready for submission To: "Frank Beckles" Date: Friday, April 3, 2009, 1:10 PM From: Frank Beckles Subject: Manuscript To: Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 5:52 PM Introduction: My name is Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. I'm an Elementary School Teacher, black belt martial artist, and an ordained Minister. I've taught for Public and Private Schools for over ten years. I'm the father of two children, a six year old son, and a baby girl. I've been a Youth Minister, Assistant Pastor, and Pastor of a Christian Non-Denominational Church. My goal as a writer, and author of this book, is to educate children about the Bible, and to simplify learning Christianity, making it fun, and rewarding. To illustrate and point out moral, ethical, values that are fundamental lessons, inspired by God in the Holy Bible. Reading interpretations of the scriptures can be the best way of stimulating your child, or student, to value education, learn moral values, and refrain from criminal activity, and grow up to become productive citizens. I hope that you will enjoy my book. Thank you.... JONAH AND THE BIG FISH The story of Jonah and the Big Fish, is a message from God to us about the importance of obedience, like when you disobey your parents, you are upsetting God, and committing a sin. God wants children to love, honor, and respect Him, and your elders. One day, many centuries ago God chose a man named Jonah, who was a Prophet (someone that God speaks to, to preach, or give messages to his people to help them, and predicts the future). God told Jonah, to go to a great city named Nineveh , and preach to them about turning away from wickedness, and doing bad things, or God would destroy the city. Jonah was a man of the Lord, the reason God chose him to be a prophet, was to set a positive example to people, to do the right things like: being honest, to love each other, and help people. But we will learn in this particular Bible story, about a man; who was supposed to the right thing, by listening to God and helping people, but chose not to do it, so God lets some bad things happen to him to show him how important obedience is, instead of punishing the people of Nineveh. So let?s see how our lesson begins. When Jonah had heard what God had told him to do. Instead of going to Nineveh to preach, and warn the people, he got up and fled from the presence of the Lord, to a city named Tar shish, now before he arrived there, he stopped at a town, named Joppa; and found a ship going to Tar shish, so he paid the fare to get aboard the ship, and sailed with the crew of the ship. Jonah didn't want to do what God told him, because he hated the people of Nineveh , and knew that if he spoke to them about God?s wrath, and turning away from evil, that they would be destroyed. And he thought that by ignoring God, he could let his enemies perish, rather than be saved.. Don't you agree, that was a terrible thing to do? But the Lord, soon sent out a great wind into the deep blue sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, the disturbance in the sea was so catastrophic, the crew of the ship were in trouble, and the ship was about to be destroyed. Then the sailors were afraid, and every man starts to worship other gods, and they threw out stuff that was in the ship into the sea, to lighten the ship. But the trouble would not stop, and while all the commotion was going on, Jonah was downstairs to the side of the ship, fast asleep! So the shipmaster came to him, and said "What are you doing sleeping, while my ship and crew are about to perish? Get up, and call upon your God, so that he might spare us!" Then the crew said to him, "Please tell us, who among us, has caused all this trouble upon us; what your occupation is? Where do you come from? What country are you from? And who are your people? Jonah answered them, and said "I am Hebrew (or Jewish); and I am a man of the Lord, I fear and worship only one God, the only true and living God of Heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. When the men heard this, they became exceedingly afraid, and said to Jonah "Why have you done this to us, why have you abandoned the Lord, and disobeyed His orders to you? Then they said to him, "what are we going to do with you, and how can we make things right with God, and calm the sea? Because the sea was wild, and raging uncontrollably. Jonah said to them, "Take me up, and throw me overboard into the sea; so the sea will calm down, because I know that it is the Lord that is disrupting the sea!" Nevertheless, the men did not want to throw Jonah overboard, so they rowed hard to try to bring it to the land; but they failed, for the sea remain tempestuous, and raging against the ship. So the men cried to the Lord for help, and said "We beg you Oh Lord; God please do not let us suffer or die for, this man's disobedience, and we do not want to be punished for throwing him into the sea, because we are innocent of his crime, please spare us, and our ship, for You alone are mighty enough to calm the sea!" Then they took up Jonah, and tossed him overboard into the sea, and the sea suddenly became calm once more. After that, the men saw the miracle of God, and believed in Him, realizing that Jonah's God was the only one true living God of the entire world. The men began to worship God, and offered sacrifices unto the Lord, and made vows to serve Him forever. Now once Jonah was in the sea, the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow him up. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Later Jonah prayed unto the Lord, to forgive him and to release him, out of the belly of the fish. And he said, "Lord please forgive me for disobeying you, and hear my prayers, for You have cast me into the deep sea, in the midst of the seas; and the floods of the waves are all around me, and You have punished me for my sin against You, by delivering me into the belly of a whale, out of your sight; yet I will repent of my transgression, and beg for Your forgiveness...." Jonah was very much afraid, because he was inside the belly of a big fish that was living and swimming at the bottom of the sea! Wouldn't you be scared and wonder if God would save you, and forgive you, for disobeying Him? Even though, everything seemed very bad for Jonah, he never gave up hope in the Lord, he believed that God would forgive him, and have mercy, because He is a really good God. So Jonah kept praying, and thanking the Lord for saving him from being drowned, or eaten by the fish, so God finally heard his prayers, and spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out of its mouth, and into dry land. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, saying "get up and go to the great city of Nineveh , and preach to the people, to repent, and turn from their wicked ways. This time, Jonah listened. And went to Nineveh . Nineveh was a great city, and it was a three days journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city in a day's journey. Finally, Jonah preached God's message to the people of Nineveh , "In forty days, Nineveh , shall be overthrown." So the people of Nineveh feared the Lord and believed in Him. And the city proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from rich to the poor of the people, because word came from the king of Nineveh , and from his throne, he repented from evil ways. And he proclaimed and published throughout the city, that Nineveh by decree of the king and his nobles, saying "Let no one, neither man or animal, taste or drink anything, but let everyman beg forgiveness from God, and turn away from evil, and doing bad things. So that God might forgive us of our sins, and spare the city from destruction." And the people, was heartily sorry for what they have done, and obeyed their king, and repented of their crimes against God. So the Lord saw their works, and that they turned away from doing bad things, and God decided to spare the city of Nineveh . What do you think about that! See how merciful and forgiving God can be? But Jonah, was a stubborn man, and was very unhappy with what God did for the people of Nineveh . And Jonah prayed to God, reminding Him of all the evil things, the people of Nineveh have done in the past, hurting his people, and offending him. And letting God know about his bitterness, toward the Nineties, and how angry he was for the Lord saving his enemies. What Jonah didn't understand, is that God loves all people, no matter who they are, and he loves you too. God doesn't desire anyone disobey Him, do bad things, or perish. He wants our love, our worship, faith, and to forgive others, who hurt us, as he has forgiven us. That's why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. He was resurrected from the grave to give us everlasting life (John 3:16). Isn't the Lord a wonderful God to serve? Are you happy God is not like man, His love, understanding, compassion, and mercy are limitless! God later explains this to Jonah, and makes him understand that saving souls, and sparing people's lives, is the main purpose of His ministry, and that Jonah was no better than the people of Nineveh ! All people, past and present have come short in honoring God. Nobody is perfect, and we all deserve forgiveness. Obedience, love, and forgiveness, is the most important things that we can do to honor God, and we must examine the way we treat people, especially our enemies, because the Lord loves us all, and wants all of us to serve Him well. He desires all boys and girls to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and receive everlasting life. So remember to obey God, and your parents, and love one another, and always strive to do what is right, and do good things in the sight of the Lord, not bad things. And God will forgive you, and always be there for you too. Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. --- On Thu, 4/2/09, Frank Beckles wrote: From: Frank Beckles Subject: Re: Complete Manuscript To: "Frank Beckles" Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 10:37 PM --- On Thu, 4/2/09, Frank Beckles wrote: From: Frank Beckles Subject: Re: Manuscript II To: "Frank Beckles" Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 9:44 PM --- On Thu, 4/2/09, Frank Beckles wrote: From: Frank Beckles Subject: Manuscript To: Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 5:52 PM Introduction: My name is Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. I'm a Elementary School Teacher, black belt martial artist, and an ordained Minister. I've taught for Public and Private Schools for over ten years. I'm the father of two children, a six year old son, and a baby girl. I've been a Youth Minister, Assistant Pastor, and Pastor of a Christain Non-Denominational Church. My goal as an writer, and author of this book, is to educate children about the Bible, and to simplify learning Christainity, making it fun, and rewarding. To illustrate and point out moral, ethical, values that are fundamental lessons, inspired by God in the Holy Bible. Reading interpretations of the scriptures can be the best way of stimulating your child, or student, to value education, learn moral values, and refrain from criminal activity, and grow up to become productivie citizens. I hope that you will enjoy my book. Thank you.... JONAH AND THE BIG FISH The story of Jonah and the Big Fish, is a message from God to us about the importance of obediance, like when you disobey your parents, you are upsetting God, and committing a sin. God wants children to love, honor, and respect Him, and your elders. One day, many centuries ago God chose a man named Jonah, who was a Prohet (someone that God speaks to, to preach, or give messages to his people to help them, and predicts the future). God told Jonah, to go to a great city named Niveveh, and preach to them about turning away from wickedness, and doing bad things, or God would destroy the city. Jonah was a man of the Lord, the reason God chose him to be a prohet, was to set an positive example to people, to do the right things like: being honest, to love each other, and help people. But we will learn in this particular Bible story, about a man; who was supposed to to the right thing, by listening to God and helping people, but chose not to do it, so God lets some bad things happen to him to show him how important obediance is, instead of punishing the people of Niveveh. So lets see how our lesson begins. When Jonah had heard what God had told him to do. Instead of going to Nineveh to preach, and warn the people, he got up and fled from the presence of the Lord, to a city named Tarshish, now before he arrived there, he stopped at a town, named Joppa; and found a ship going to Tarshish, so he paid the fare to get aboard the ship, and sailed with the crew of the ship. Jonah didn't want to do what God told him, because he hated the people of Nineveh, and knew that if he spoke to them about God'd wrath, and turning away from evil, that they would be destroyed. and he thought that by ignoring God, he could let his enemies perish, rather than be saved. Don't you agree, that was a terrible thing to do? But the Lord, soon sent out a great wind into the deep blue sea, and there was a mighty tempest in the sea, the disturbance in the sea was so catistrophic, the crew of the ship were in trouble, and the ship was about to be destroyed. Then the sailors were afraid, and every man starts to worship other gods, and they threw out stuff, that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten the ship. But the trouble would not stop, and while all the commotion was going on, Jonah was downstairs to the side of the ship, fast asleep! So the shipmaster came to him, and said "What are you doing sleeping, while my ship and crew are about to perish? Get up, and call upon your God, so that he might spare us!" then the crew said to him, "Please tell us, who among us, has caused all this trouble upon us; what is your occupation? Where do you come from? what country are you from? And who are your people? Jonah answered them, and said "I am Hebrew (or Jewish); and I am a man of the Lord, I fear and worship only one God, the only true and living God of Heaven, who made the sea and the dry land. When the men heard this, they became exceedingly afraid, and said to Jonah "Why have you done this to us, why have you abandoned the Lord, and disobeyed His orders to you? then they said to him, "what are we going to do with you, and how can we make things right with God, and calm the sea? because the sea was wild, and raging uncontrolably. Jonah said to them, "Take me up, and throw me overboard into the sea; so the sea will calm down, because I know that it is the Lord that is disrupting the sea!" Nevertheless, the men did not want to throw Jonah overboard, so they rowed hard to try to bring it to the land; but they failed, for the sea remain tempestuous, and raging against the ship. So the men cried to the Lord for help, and said "We beg you Oh Lord; God please do not let us suffer or die for, this man's disobediance, and we do not want to be punished for throwing him into the sea, because we are innocent of his crime, please spare us, and our ship, for You alone are mighty enough to calm the sea!" Then they took up Jonah, and tossed him overboard into the sea, and the sea suddenly became calm once more. After that, the men saw the miracle of God, and believed in Him, realizing that Jonah's God was the only one true living God of all the world. The men began to worship God, and offered sacrifices unto the Lord, and made vows to serve Him forever. Now once Jonah was in the sea, the Lord prepared a great fish to swallow him up. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Later Jonah prayed unto the Lord, to forgive him and to release him, out of the belly of the fish. And he said, "Lord please forgive me for disobeying you, and hear my prayers, for You have cast me into the deep sea, in the midst of the seas; and the floods of the waves are all around me, and You have punished me for my sin against You, by delivering me into the belly of a whale, out of your sight; yet I will repent of my transgression, and beg for Your forgiveness......" Jonah was very much afraid, because he was inside the belly of a big fish, that was living and swimming at the bottom of the sea! Wouldn't you be scared, and wonder if God would save you, and forgive you, for disobeying Him? Even though, everything seemed very bad for Jonah, he never gave up hope in the Lord, he believed that God would forgive him, and have mercy, because He is a really good God. So Jonah kept praying, and thanking the Lord for saving him from being drowned, or eaten by the fish, so God finally heard his prayers, and spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out of it's mouth, and into dry land. And the word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, saying "get up and go to the great city of Nineveh, and preach to the people, to repent, and turn from their wicked ways. This time, Jonah listened. and went to Nineveh. Nineveh was a great city, and it was a three days journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city in a day's journey. Finally, Jonah preached God's message to the people of Nineveh, "In forty days, Nineveh, shall be overthrown." So the people of Nineveh, feared the Lord and believed in Him. And the city proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from rich to the poor of the people, because word came from the king of Nineveh, and from his throne, he repented from evil ways. And he proclaimed and published throughout the city, that Nineveh by decree of the king and his nobles, saying "Let no one, neither man or animal, taste or drink anything, but let everyman beg forgiveness from God, and turn away from evil, and doing bad things. So that God might forgive us of our sins, and spare the city from destruction." And the people, was heartly sorry for what they have done, and obeyed their king, and repented of their crimes against God. So the Lord saw their works, and that they turned away from doing bad things, and God decided to spare the city of Nineveh. What do you think about that! See how merciful, and forgiving God can be? But Jonah, was a stubborn man, and was very unhappy with what God did for the people of Nineveh. And jonah prayed to God, reminding Him of all the evil things, the people of Nineveh have done in the past, hurting his people, and offending him. And letting God know about his bitterness, toward the Ninevites, and how angry he was for the Lord saving his enemies. What Jonah didn't understand, is that God loves all people, no matter who they are, and he loves you too. God doesn't desire anyone disobey Him, do bad things, or perish. he wants our love, our worship, faith, and to forgive others, who hurt us, as he has forgiven us. That's why He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins. he was resurrected from the grave to give us everlasting life (John 3:16). Isn't the Lord a wonderful God to serve. Are you happy God is not like man, His love, understanding, compassion, and mercy are limitless! God later explains this to Jonah, and makes him understand that saving souls, and sparing people's lives, is the main purpose of His ministry, and that Jonah was no better than the people of Nineveh! All people, past and present have come short in honoring God. Nobody is perfect, and we all deserve forgiveness. Obediance, love, and forgiveness, is the most important things that we can do to honor God, and we must examine the way we treat people, especially our enemies, because the Lord loves us all, and wants all of us to serve Him well. He desires all boys and girls to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior, and recieve everlasting life. So remember to obey God, and your parents, and love one another, and always strive to do what is right, and do good things in the sight of the Lord, not bad things. And God will forgive you, and always be there for you too. Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Member's Profile Dr. Frank Beckles View Profile Business Industry Internet Entertainment Education Business Books & Arts, Crafts Interest Groups Apsense is The Best Website Ever!!!! 3 members Dr. Frank Beckles and His Family Church Ministry 1 members Gosphel Television 1 members Augusta Academy Learning Center 1 members Sons For Christ Church of God Ministries 1 members Resources Famous Church Pastor and Internet Legend Add Your Link All Links... Additional Info. About me: Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Apsense is one Business Social Network driven by its users who share common ... FRANKLYN ... Minister: Rev. Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Director / Principal ... Rev. Dr. Franklyn Beckles, Jr. Renown Church Pastor On APSense