It really is the 30 Dollar PeopleString can you get only with minimal
effort. Only need internet access, click there, click here, and ...
money from the internet began to flow. This is one advantage of
PeopleString, apart from a large referral commission $ 0.5 per
referrals and commissions from your downline downlines. No need to
busy-busy for referrals, if consistent, $ 30 almost certainly be
obtained. How? Check out this article.

To be
able to get up to $ 30 a month even though just over $ 1, which is the
consistency needed to do the following things EVERY DAY, at least one
time in the morning (between 00:00 AM pk pk sd 12.00 noon) and once in
the afternoon (between noon pk12.01 sd pk12.00 night):

1. Logout and log back into your account PeopleString. 10points
2. Check email PeopleString. 10 points
Select the "Shopping" and then click one of the categories eg: sy
select category Computers (do not need to visit your site again to live
under the menu "home" 10 points
SEARCH doing anything through PeopleString (column Search Google
custome is the top on the homepage PeopleString your account). After
that you add 10 points Refresh
5. Click CashBox / Mailbox to view the latest update update. Then come back to the menu "home" 10 points

You do the activities above, you are entitled to 10 People Points. 5
means the activity, you will get 50 PeoplePoints 2 times a day, so the
total People Points you earn in a day is 100. Remember, People 100
Points = $ 1. When you consistently do that every day, and when the
month is 30 days, $ 30 is you get.

Make sure the referrals you
do this consistently every day. The higher your referrals earnings, the
higher the amount of your commission from them.

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