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Become a United First Financial Agent and offer the Money Merge Account to your clients, family and/or friends. The Money Merge Account will help them payoff their mortgage and debts faster and easier then any other program available.

This is ideal for Real Estate Professionals and Other Financial Service Professionals ... but truly is for anyone who wants to be completely DEBT FREE in record time ... and wants to share that excitement with others!!

Here are a few of the great reasons to become an Agent on our Honey I Shrunk Our Mortgageâ„¢ team:

1. No license is required - You do not have to be a licensed professional to offer this program, anyone can do it.
2. Ability to offer this program throughout the United States - and selected provinces of Canada. No set territories or restrictions.
3. Generous compensation plan - United First Financial has the best compensation plan in the industry.
4. Free Replicated Website - All our agents will receive a copy of our website which will be personalized with their name and information. Sign up Today and have something up and running to show to potential clients within HOURS!!
5. Online Training - Training Webinars (online seminars) are held on a daily basis to train you and your Agents. You will find this extremely helpful as you grow your United First Financial business as your Agents will be able to get the training they need no matter where they are.
6. Sales and Recruiting Assistance - We are always available to help. We hold private meetings (online via GoToMeeting or conference call) for your clients whenever you need us and will help with any questions a recruit might have.


You DO NOT have to be a client of United First Financial to become an Agent.

Agent Registration - United First Financial charges a one-time administrative fee of $175 to become an Agent. You can pay with a credit card. This fee covers your initial online training including a manadatory certification exam, unlimited agent support, and an agent welcome kit that includes training DVDs.

Once you have registered as an Agent, you will be contacted by us and receive an email with instructions on how to get started with your training.

Read for yourself on our "In The News" page of our website some of the National Magazine coverage of this opportunity and how it is changing lives for the better. The Success stories have to be read to be believed.

We welcome your questions and your interest.

Kim Birdsell
(410) 871-0443