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If you're not a pig farmer, chances are you've never heard of 'Okara'. That's because there's billions of tons of the stuff produced every year and no one can figure out what to do with it...except use for animal feed and fertilizer.

That's pretty stupid when there are more than 60 million grossly overweight Americans who could benefit greatly from okara but don't know anything about it because the producers just consider it a nuisance by-product of their soymilk or tofu business.

I have been a long-time okara user, 'user' in the nutrition sense, not the psychosematic one, I felt compelled to write the No-diet Diet book to introduce these people to the fantastic weight and health benefits of Okara and tofu, and help save the economy billions of dollars every year.

I know that sounds a little too altruistic to be true, so I'll admit I thought I could make a couple of dollars at the same time. I mean if Dr. Atkins can become a multi-millionaire many times over, with garbage like the no-carbohydrate diet, why shouldn't I be able to make even more money with a high-carbohydrate diet that really works.

After all, if I can make a buck a book, and all those 60-million people buy one, I'll have enough money to qualify for a job as Bill's chauffeur (Gates that is). Now if I could only figure out a way to market okara, I might even rise to the exalted heights of his private secretary.

Because okara isn't available in the North American food chain, it is almost completely unknown to the average consumer. The only way to get it is to make it yourself, at home. Now isn't that a great marketing opportunity?

Okara is actually quite easy to make, but you and I both know that people are basically very lazy tweedles. That's one of the reasons so many of us are fat. Nobody wants to do anything, even if most of the work is done by the blender. And then there's the 10 minutes you have to spend slaving over a hot stove.

So, instead of trying to market okara, I've made a deal with a company that makes a great counter-top machine that does the whole thing with the touch of one button. God! The potential is unlimited. I'll be Bill's partner before I know it.

So what the heck do you do with okara anyway? Well, up to now, you mostly feed it to the pigs... not the police kind, stupid. The oink, oink pigs.

You see, okara is the waste product left over from making soymilk and tofu. But it's only waste because nobody knows what to do with it. It is just as nutritious as soymilk and tofu, but there's just too darn much of the stuff. In fact, your local tofu shop will probably be happy to give you all you want...if you bring your own container.

To make Okara at home, you simply grind up a cup of soy beans mixed with 3 cups of water, then drain off 3 cups of soymilk. Put some chocolate and Splenda in it and drink one cup, then make yourself a tofu lunch out of the remaining two. After all that, you'll still have 2 and a half cups of okara left over.

Talk about butchers using everything but the squeal for making sausages. Rendering soy beans is like squeezing seven chicks out of a single egg.

Actually, they aren't using so many pigs for sausage any more either, because some of those enterprising farmers who get the surplus okara from the soymilk companies, turn it into hamburger, sausage, chicken patties, and even seafood. And there's still a billion tons of okara that nobody can get to the retail food market.

Why? Probably because I'm the only guy in the world stupid enough to promote it. You'd have to spend more than even Bill has, to get Americans to switch from sugar to pig feed. Even if my campaign works, there will still be a lot left over because the stuff is so bulky that nobody can eat it all.

On the other hand, isn't that exactly what makes it such a great diet food? In fact, it's about the healthiest product on the planet. One cup has 3.6 grams of high quality protein, 8 grams of carbohydrate, and 3.8 grams of insoluble fiber. It's a bodybuilder's dream! It could also be a urologist's nightmare though, because it decreases the incidence of prostate cancer. Breast cancer too, I understand. And heart attack, osteoporosis, and diabetes.

Maybe I should just forget about it and go have another okara pancake. I love them!