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From the Desk of James Anderson

Hello and Welcome

This Group will be focused on any topics or discussions pertaining to and conducting business on the Internet and Off Line. No ads of any kind will be allowed in this group. Our sole purpose will be to learn, educate and deploy any and all information regarding businesses on-line and off-line.

Please feel free to post any articles you wish, within the guidelines. It does not matter if you are new to the Internet or are a seasoned veteran, please feel free to add your article or just read what is available.

We listen, but we do not hear, we read but we do not understand, we speak but we do not focus and we react but we do not accomplish?

We will start off the first two articles on Health and Wellness and make sure we are headed in the right direction.

I personally recommend a solid well-balanced diet along with exercise to produce the necessary ingredients for a positive and cognizant attitude.
LURE “Learn Understand Retain Educate “

Thank you,

James Anderson
World Finance Services (WFS) 789426*ŒsÇ
Dallas, Texas USA