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Welcome to the group, Members! This group will be About Spore, Games from Maxis, Will Wright, or anything games based on Creating.

One Hour Spore Video, Old Version

New Spore Video,

This group will be Spam Free, if anyone post Sex, or Any Trash, it will be banned. This group will have rules.


This group will be Spam Free, if anyone post Sex, or Any Trash, it will be banned. This group will have rules.

1. Respect other members, if they troll then report it to me and try to resist talking to them, attack if you feel necessary.

2. Please no racial slurs or racism, you mat speak sarcastically but use caution, we don't want racism.

3. No spamming unless checked by me. Ask me first if you want to put it your AD.

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5.If someone breaks these rules... I will act accordingly

This group will have up-to-date pictures, and videos if possible. Please let me know about any thing on Spore, or anything. This group will have almost everything on Spore. I'll keep it post up-to-date.
Videos I post, Please thanks the guys that they posted. I thank them for making them for their hard work.
Game Info About Spore And When it comes out in Stores.

Spore (video game)
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*Spore is a computer and video game under development by Maxis, and designed by Will Wright. It simulates the complete history and future of life. Its concept, scope, and development philosophy (broad use of procedural generation) have drawn wide attention.

Spore is, at first glance, a "teleological evolution" game or god game: the player molds and guides a species across many generations, growing it from a single-celled organism into a more complex animal, until the species becomes intelligent. At this point the player begins molding and guiding this species' society, progressing towards a spacefaring civilization. Spore's main innovation is the use of procedural generation for many of the components of the game, providing vast scope and open-endedness. Wright said "I didn't want to make players feel like Luke Skywalker or Frodo Baggins. I wanted them to be like George Lucas or J.R.R. Tolkien."[1]

The game was already in development in 2000 around the time that The Sims Online was starting development.[1] The game was first revealed and demonstrated to the public during a speech on procedural generation at the 2005 Game Developers Conference (GDC).

On October 8, 2006, the game, its development, and its developer were featured in an article by Steven Berlin Johnson in the Sunday New York Times magazine; the article was entitled "The Long Zoom". [2]

Spore will be a simulation that "ranges from the cellular level to the galactic level". It will consist of several long phases, each with its own style of play. In his Game Developers Conference speech, Will Wright likened the style of game-play of each phase to an existing game:

A Spore Video Game which it tells you the basics of Spore and Phases

Tide Pool Phase, similar to Pac-Man
Creature Phase, Diablo
Tribal Phase, Populous
City Phase, SimCity
Civilization Phase, Risk and Civilization
Space Phase (a.k.a. UFO stage or Invasion), with some elements reminiscent of Destroy All Humans!, and later, sandbox gameplay.
Each phase of the game determines the starting point of the next phase. In the Game Developers Conference presentation, the creature that Will Wright was presenting during the creature phase was based on his earlier cell creature (in having three legs, a tail, eyes and mouth in roughly the same positions) that he had evolved through gameplay. He also mentioned that how each phase is played develops the creature's personality, referring to whether the creatures would be logical or emotional, peaceful or violent, among other attributes.
Other elements of gameplay

[edit] Editors

After molding their creature's body to the desired shape, players can add parts like eyes, hands, and feet to it.Spore's major concept is that nearly everything is created by the players. Will Wright has stated that all the editors will be as similar as possible for easy use. There are several different editors, each one dealing with a different type of content, including creatures' attributes (strength, speed, etc.).

At E3 2006, Wright showcased the creature editor. It allows the player to take what looks like a lump of clay with a spine and mold it into a creature of their choosing. Once they are done molding the main form, they can then add legs, arms, feet, hands, eyes, mouths, decorative elements, and a wide array of sensory organs like antennae. Once the creature is designed to the player's satisfaction, they can paint the creature using a large number of textures, overlays, colors, and patterns. After the player feels their creature is complete, it can be tested in a small enclosed area.

There is also a building editor (city phase), a hut editor (tribal phase), a vehicle editor (civilization phase), a flora editor (from tribal to space phase), a UFO editor (civilization/space phase) and a terrain editor. Once the player has access to the UFO, it becomes possible to terraform and create entire planets.

Egames link on Spore Release Date is here, copy this link then paste it to your Address link.

Ships 10/1/07 $49.99 release date