This group is the public group. Your request will be auto-approved.


Win a "extra" to read announcements of his/her interest! Uniting the useful to the pleasant!

Rentabilize their free times, gratuitously and without leaving of house!!

Win for for doing that that you already make diáriamente in the internet!


Publicite his/her site, company, service, product, or event, using our net of subscribers!

Choose the publicity type that intends to do, decide as he/she wants to spend, and accompany all the statistics of his/her "campaign" in real time!


Be rewarded for:

To read announcements for email

To visit sites that interest him/her

To click in banners and announcements

To sign offers and services

To navigate in the Internet


It is much more!!

Registe-if! IT IS FREE!!

It can participate all over the world, since he/she knows how to read and to write Portuguese!

Recommend their friends, and receive a percentage from everything that they to win, increasing like this still more their incomes!!!

We offered 6 commission steps!


With the increase of SPAM (sending of no-authorized publicity), the authorities become more rigorous and the utilizadores ignore the emails that you/they don't know, more and more treating them as garbage, and then his/her mailing list not to bring him/her the results that you wait.

This is the reason of the existence of PubliPt!

Here you can announce his/her site, company, service, product or event, using our platform of marketing directo, 100% hold, and without worrying with SPAM! And more! You are the sure that his/her email will be read and his/her site will be visited, everything this because our 67,147 subscribers will be winning for doing!! we Have a vast group of advertising tools to do his/her business to grow!