Internet Marketing - The Basics

About Internet Marketing - The Basics

Everybody wants to make big bucks on the Internet. Just get a website and some products or services and Bob's your uncle!

Well, we all know better now don't we? There's this elusive thing called Internet Marketing and it confuses a lot of people. It took me 6 years to get a handle on it and even now, I've still got a lot to learn.

Part of the problem is having a website that web designers have built or one you have built yourself AND you don't know a thing about search engine optimization.

Another problem is trust - most of this Internet Marketing stuff is about having a mailing list and flogging every new product that comes along, to this mailing list AND you're on the List!

I haven't learnt how to earn the big bucks online but I have managed to make some money, which is more than I can say for most people who've tried.

Let's change that - starting now.

In order for this to work, this group can't be a public group. The reason for this is that we'll just have other internet marketers muddying the waters as they try to promote their own agenda.

This is NOT what this group is about so if you want to join, you'll need to apply - If I think you're here for the wrong reasons, I'll tell you to bugger off!