Personal Development

About Personal Development

I would like everyone to share info on a book that really shifted your mind set. Please list the books and briefly what you got out of it.

One book that really shifted my mindset was '" The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson. He spoke about habits of successful people. They did simple things that were easy to do but also easy not to do. These simple things would compund over time and send you up the success curve or down failure curve. Here's a perfect example.
If we went out to eat and you had a burger with fries and I had a healthy salad with veggies ,would you had a heart attack that day? No. Would I be healthy that day? No. Over time if you continually ate burgers with fries your health will get worse and I would get healthier if I continued to eat veggies. Literaly you're slowly eat yourself to death.

How would you use the slight edge pilosophy in your business? Remember that even the longest journey begins with a single step. Do something simple everyday to build your business and overtime it will compound and snowball into massive results. You can choose to generate some leads for your business today or watch your favorite tv show. Whatever you do the slight edge is always at work.

The Slight Edge

Julian Lee
"Be a Mentor with a Servant's Heart"