AGLOCO: Make Money Surfing the Internet

About AGLOCO: Make Money Surfing the Internet

AGLOCOâ„¢ is brand new company that pays you cash and stock in the company to simply download a Viewbar and have it active while surfing the web. AGLOCOâ„¢ will make money through functions of the Viewbar that includes search revenue, advertisement income, affiliate commissions, and money from the distribution of products and services.

Every time you look at an ad, perform a search, download or upload something such as a story, picture or video, somebody out there makes money from it. With AGLOCOâ„¢, they want to give YOU the money that you generate.

What's unique about AGLOCOâ„¢ is that its members own 100% of the company! In other words, you gain ownership shares of AGLOCOâ„¢ by using the Viewbar and referring others to AGLOCOâ„¢. The profits that AGLOCOâ„¢ gains will be redistributed to its members in the form of Cash!!

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