Member's Profile

Paula van Dun
Kuşadası, Turkey
Someone who View Profile

Business Industry

  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Business
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Affiliate Marketing

Additional Info.


Thank to Paula van Dun for web traffic designer with his system surf-bar-traffic. It is great for promote 100s of popular programs with just 1 link. let us keep Paula van Dun in our hands for studying his experients in this fields Thank to Paula van Dun on share
 - hopsense September 11th, 2014

Paula van Dun is very active at APSense where she found wonderful admins and friends which were ready to help and advice any time.
 - haismed April 6th, 2014

As I have read her profile, I can attest that not only online businesses she can manage to work on but also her family. Paula van Dun is indeed a good and fantastic mother, grandmother, and marketer of her own business center.
 - janimahbaunto February 4th, 2014

Awesome traffic sites! And I am sure that I am a member of a couple of them!
 - allbiz4me January 16th, 2014

She are great network ,and hope become like she , and get help for all
 - alyabdo1 January 2nd, 2014

I like what I read. She seems very experienced at what she doe's
 - maree November 21st, 2013

she has been around in apsense for years, one time admin of apsense, owner of a traffic exchange and good in graphics design. she can you in above areas.
 - enmoney October 21st, 2013

Mrs Paula van Dun is a very prolific and lively lady who honours us with lots of good new, services and ideas. It's my privilege to be one of her connects here at APSense.
 - camelanet August 21st, 2013

I'm so happy that Paula is one of my connections. I enjoy reading her many articles and rev pages. In addition to being very knowledgeable, she's also one of the most articulate members that I've found here at APSense.
 - jackson1250 August 17th, 2013

hat is the secret of living a full life that is to have fun in what does You are a Great lady and a great grand ma and a great teacher all the best and continue enjoying what you do it as a fun !! May be internet marketing or earnings online
 - jean555 July 6th, 2013

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