
What is Marketing Cloud in Salesforce?

by APSense News Release Admin

With the Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Salesforce not only complements the flagship Sales Cloud, but also sets new standards in the effectiveness and personalization of the customer journey. All tools (across all channels) are brought together on a central platform and enhanced with the help of artificial intelligence.


Development Marketing Cloud 

There are still many companies that are not using existing data to offer their customers personalized interactions and experiences. Instead, these companies interact with their customers through a loose set of slied campaigns and messages. These are often distributed uncoordinatedly by several departments, without taking into account existing knowledge about the customers and also not in a targeted manner. 

The reasons for this are often a lack of time and special tools for specific tasks that are not integrated with one another. Marketing teams in particular actually need a lot more time given the abundance and variety of their tasks. So, their team will get a chance to focus on the big picture. Using integrated cloud technology for marketing automation can be the answer here. 


The Marketing Cloud focuses on the individual customer journey across all networked devices, all channels and departments - marketing, sales and customer service. It connects all customer interactions and connects them to customer data and information about their behavior. As a result, companies are able to send their customers relevant communications, tailored to each customer, in real time via the customer's preferred channel. 

customer journey 

With the Marketing Cloud, employees accompany the customers and prospects of a company from the first contact to the conclusion - and as outlined on all channels. The technology makes it possible to create completely automated online campaigns and thus fill the "sales funnel" with fresh leads at any time. It is also possible to personalize and automate scalable customer journeys, for example in the form of consistent email, mobile and web marketing, but also B2B marketing automation including lead nurturing. 

user experience 

Because Salesforce Marketing Cloud is connected to Salesforce. Com's Sales Cloud and Service Cloud, coordination is possible that ensures a consistent and consistent user experience. And quite incidentally, it is elegantly prevented that customers are contacted twice or three times by the three teams from marketing, sales and customer service. 

Sales Cloud 

Incidentally, the Sales Cloud can also be a useful tool for the marketing department. Unlike the Marketing Cloud, the Sales Cloud as a classic CRM system does not allow comprehensive marketing automation, but functions for creating and executing campaigns, creating and developing leads or managing the portfolio, products and prices are also included in the Sales Cloud. 



Lead tracking 

Lead tracking is still a time-consuming, manual process in many companies and is therefore not exactly popular with employees. Lead nurturing automates the necessary communication with (potential) customers in order to provide them with individually tailored and timely relevant information. This has a decisive advantage: Customers are not "overwhelmed" with mass e-mails, but according to a sophisticated strategy, they receive the right content at the right time via the right channel, much more accurately than before - based on their profile and their personal activities. 

customer experience 

Marketing employees can then not only visualize the individual customer journeys, but also create, coordinate and optimize precisely personalized content optimally tailored to the channel, device and phase in the purchasing process. Automation not only makes the processes behind it faster and more effective, but also measurable without interruptions from initial contact to completion. 

Both implicit and explicit behaviors of all contacts are recorded and evaluated; On this basis, holistic customer profiles are created, whereby continuous learning and optimization of the procedure when refining the customer profiles is possible. 

Customer Journey Builder 

With Customer Journey Builder, you can pick each customer based on their needs on the right marketing channel. It connects your marketing and sales team with all points of contact that the customer has with your company. The Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers a number of predefined journey templates. These make it easier to set up a journey. They are based on known use cases and marketing best practices, which can be selected and tweaked as needed. 

Salesforce also bought Pardot, which ExactTarget had previously purchased, as part of the same transaction. Pardot was created as a B2B marketing automation tool for SMBs (as opposed to ExactTarget, which was more B2C-focused), and it is still part of the Salesforce ecosystem today. It has not been combined or merged with Ashapura Softech Inc, nor has it been called a Salesforce "Cloud" product. 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud is a marketing platform that can help with many aspects of marketing, such as multi-channel campaign execution, dynamic customer journeys, pre-, and post-campaign analytics, audience building and segmentation, social media engagement and advertising, and a data management platform. Ashapura Softech Inc does this through the use of "Studios" and "Builders: 

  • "Studios" are used to manage and interact with communication channels. This comprises Email Studio, Social Studio, and Mobile Studio at Ashapura Softech Inc. 

  • In the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform, "Builders" are used to manage data, content, and customer journeys. These characteristics are frequently utilized by the Studios but are not required to be Analytics Builders. 

What can you do with Salesforce Marketing Cloud? 

A feature-rich platform with marketing-related capabilities is Salesforce Marketing Cloud. This includes the following:

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Created on Oct 12th 2022 00:31. Viewed 227 times.


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