
Staying Healthy on a Tight Budget

by Darla Maldonado Affiliate Marketing
As the economic pinch causes us to hold our wallets tighter, here are some ways to continue to feel healthy and maintain your most important resource - yourself - without wasting money. Many health experts and Consumer Reports recommend spending your money in a few key places to optimize your grocery dollar and give you the biggest health bang for your buck.

1. Purchase your red meat from organic, free range ranchers. Don't skimp here. The toxins going into stockyard cattle are important to avoid. Check out the back pages of my book for ranchers who let their cattle range free and feed hormone/ antibiotic free feed to their cattle.

2. Purchase poultry and eggs from free range, organic farmers whenever possible. As Consumer Reports advises us in the February 2006 issue, purchase meat, poultry and eggs in their organic or natural form as often as possible to reduce your exposure to mad cow disease and other potential toxins. Don't skimp in this area. To save a bit, rotate between buying organic and natural every other time you shop while you are watching your budget.

VigRX Plus Review Would a Healthy Energy Drink be a different kind of energy drink these days? The answer to that question is a resounding yes, there are over five hundred different energy drinks in the marketplace today, and the vast majority of them are not good for you, little lone considered to be a healthy energy drink.

Really how could they be when they are loaded with sugar, Master Cleanse Diet Review loaded with caffeine and preservatives? How can anything be considered healthy that comes with a warning label? Cigarettes come with a warning label from the Surgeon General and energy drinks for the most part come with a warning label as well.

So we should be able to connect the dots, 21 Day Sugar Detox Review and realize if they have to put a warning label on the can it cannot be healthy, or to our benefit to consume.

So does that mean that you should not drink energy drinks? How to Get Rid of a Double Chin Review I don't think so, but what I do think is the energy drinks you drink should be healthy and beneficial, not possibly detrimental to your well being.

Pearly Penile Papules Removal Review We all need that extra boost of energy at some point in our day, the question is not whether we could use more energy, but where is that energy going to come from?

I think we would all agree, ShapeShifter Yoga Review that it should come from a source that is considered to be healthy, not just a boost of energy that last a few hours, but leaves you crashed and jittery later.

If the population who smokes, How to Increase IQ Review does not quit smoking when the Surgeon General issues a warning, then we can safely assume that people are not going to stop drinking energy drinks. That we can be certain of, it is a multi-billion dollar industry with no signs of slowing down. So if you want to consume energy drinks make certain they are healthy energy drinks.

There are now energy drinks on the market that contain Quercetin. Government Car Auctions Review Quercetin is a phytochemical that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples, red onions, red grapes and berries. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory.

Lean Hybrid Muscle Review It is actually possible that it may help relieve allergy symptoms. There is now a drink that actually provides you the equivalent of eating 27 medium sized apples in one 8.4 oz can, it's called Efusjon Dawn.

Zox Pro Review There is another healthy energy drink that is available as well, that contains Mangosteen. The mangosteen fruit contains over 40 different xanthones, each having specific leading properties, these xanthones are some of the most powerful antioxidants found in nature.

So what are antioxidants and what do they do? Antioxidants are nutrients in our foods which can prevent or slow the oxidative damage to our body. How to Get a Bigger Butt Review When our body cells use oxygen, it produces free radicals which can cause damage.

Antioxidants act as "free radical scavengers" and hence prevent and repair damage done by these free radicals. Bacterial Vaginosis Home Treatment Review If you are going to consume some type of drink, why not make certain that it does not come with a warning label. Drink an alternative that has benefits and is a plus to drink. The drink I recommend with mangosteen is the Efusjon Breeze, it tastes great and is loaded with antioxidants.

Kidney Disease Diet Review There other healthy energy drinks that are made with the now famous acai berry (pronounced "ah-sigh-ee"). The acai berry is believed to have up to thirty times the anthocyanins found in red wine, it is also considered to be one of the top ten super foods in the world containing folic acid,

magnesuim, calcium, iron, potassium, protein, phytonutrients, Kettlebell Burn Review vitamin C and E, amino acids, and omega 3,6, and 8. All which make this berry a powerful source of energy. We recommend the Efusjon Edge, no warning label and it is actually a healthy energy drink, you can enjoy without the concern of a warning label.

There is one drink we would like to mention for those who do not drinks with caffeine. There is acai berry drink that does not have caffeine, Gabriel Method Review is not loaded with sugar or preservatives. This drink is the Efusjon Raw and again this is a great drink that the entire family can enjoy.

Gout Remedy Report Review So we have provided you with four alternatives, four healthy energy drinks that you can consume without guilt, without the jitters, without crashing and yet still get the extra boost of energy we all need.

Extreme Stamina Review If you are going to drink energy drinks then drink one that is a healthy energy drink and tastes great! These are the best energy drinks in the market place but not just energy drinks these are the best healthy energy drinks available, period.

Truckers can sit behind the wheel of an 18-wheeler for up to 16 hours a day. Kidney Stone Natural Remedies Review All that sitting, mixed with a potential breakfast, lunch and dinner all from a greasy spoon truck stop can make for a very unhealthy lifestyle. Being a trucker is a lot of work- some of it very physical - so they must stay in good shape. But how can a trucker really stay healthy with the road working so hard against him or her?

It can be very difficult to find healthy food options when the highways are littered with diners and fast food joints. Cure for Vitiligo Review The first major thing is to avoid fried anything. French fries, donuts, cheese sticks and friend chicken are all very tasty, but terrible for your heart.

Taking the unsweetened ice tea on the fast food menu instead of a large soda will also be fantastic for your waistline. Healthy Weight Loss Recipes Review Also, whenever possible, load up on healthy snacks like fruits or unsalted nuts to snack on in your cab so you'll have to make less last-minute "I'm hungry now" stops at places where you shouldn't be eating.

How to Cure Herpes Review A big problem in the life of a trucker is the constant stress of being on the road. Making a delivery on time is hard enough, but having to do it while dealing with what, at times, can seem like mile after mile of idiot drivers can make it even more infuriating.

The best way to relieve stress is to exercise. Leaky Gut Cure Review Although it's a little difficult exercise inside of your cab, there are easy exercises you can do whenever you make it to your next rest stop. Squats and lunges are easy to do in small spaces as are jogging in place and jumping rope.

Some truckers even use filled up water bottles in their cab to do curls while sitting in traffic. Treatment for Cold Sores Review Another way to relieve stress is to listen to music. While you're listening, rollup your windows and sing or whistle along, it's a great stress reliever.

The best stress reliever is, Treatment for Fatty Liver Review of course, a healthy mental attitude. You know that once you hit the road you will encounter stressful situations. The good news is that you can also choose how you will react to these situations. Reacting angrily or hostile will only serve to raise your blood pressure, so why not take it all in stride? Because once that's over, there's sure to be another stressful situation coming right down the road.

One of the most important factors in living a healthy lifestyle on the road is to get a plenty of sleep. Super Hero Fat Loss Review It can be hard when you're either sleeping in your cab or at some motel in the middle of nowhere, but the quality of sleep you get at night can play a major role in your job performance and overall sense of well-being.

A lack of sleep can result in irritability, blurred vision, Acid Alkaline Foods Review decreased reaction time, heartburn, diarrhea and depression. And nobody had to tell you when you were in trucking school that of these problems can surely turn what might be a good day on the road into a day of misery.

If you drink alcohol before bedtime, Tacfit Commando Review you should know that even one drink can prevent your body from reaching the deepest of sleep cycles when you hit the hay at night. And, of course, no one likes going to work nursing a hangover.

Everyone thinks they must be on a diet to look good and to stay healthy. Learn How to Sing Better Review For the most part some of this is true but you do not have to eat like a bird and starve yourself to death. If you want to look good then here are a few simple little things you can do. Some walking, eating the right foods, and make sure to get plenty of rest.

The first thing is to stay active you do not have to go out and run for miles and miles to be and stay healthy. Piano For All Review All you need to do is walk around the neighborhood; go early in the morning to a school track, or a park that has a walking path. Walk around this several times per week and stay active. This is good for you.

The next thing is to eat foods like lean, 7 Day Belly Blast Diet Review lunchmeats, white meat chicken, and pork that is lean, fish is a good source of lean meat as well. You know vegetables are good for you so add them into your daily meals. Eat several small meals per day instead of the large three times per day.

Fruit is excellent for snacks to help with the hungry feeling. Acid Alkaline Diet Review So feed it an apple or a banana when it begins to nag at you. Drink water and plenty of juice fluids flush out the bad and replace it with the good.

Anabolic Cooking Review Staying active and eating, the smaller meals a day will begin to make you feel better and have more energy. You will not be hungry all the time but there is one more thing that you must do as well.

You must get a good sound night of relaxing rest each night. Eat Stop Eat Review Especially if you are very active during the day, the body rejuvenates and repairs itself when you rest so the more rest you get the healthier you become.

Staying healthy does not have to be a job, Fat Burning Furnace Review or a routine all one needs to do is a little daily maintenance. You will stay healthy, walk several times per week, eat the right kinds of foods, and drink plenty of fluids and juices. Make sure that you get plenty of rest each night and you should begin to feel much better.

Fat Loss Factor Review Your friends and family members will want to know what you are doing to look and feel as good as you do. Simply tell them your body stays healthy by eating healthy foods.

Eating healthy doesn't have to be a chore. Fit Yummy Mummy Review It doesn't have to be difficult either.

All it takes is planning in advance and some basic knowledge of nutrition. Grow Taller 4 Idiots Review Planning a week's worth of meals is also the best way to create dishes you can be proud of, while keeping the cost and time commitment to a minimum.

Kidney Diet Secret Review Below I will share 4 Simple Tips to creating healthy recipes you and your family will enjoy.

Using convenient appliances such as microwaves and my favorite, Lean Hybrid Muscle Review a slow cooker you will save yourself a huge amount of time when planning and preparing meals. There are many delicious and nutritious meals that can be started in the morning and left to cook all day in a crock pot or slow cooker.

A microwave comes in handy when you prepare your meals ahead of time and all you need to do is re-heat and serve. Metabolic Cooking Review There are many microwavable healthy meals you can make at home and single serving microwave safe containers allow every member of the family to eat on their own schedule.

Muscle Gaining Secrets Review When planning your meals for the week, be sure to use a chart and display in your kitchen for the family to see. A great tip - plan the quickest and easiest to prepare meals for the busiest days of the week.

The Diet Solution Program Review One of my favorite tips is to get your family involved in creating the week's meal plan. Ask for their input and make a note of everyone's favorite meals..this will help increase their interest in healthy eating right away.

Don't stop there! Total Wellness Cleanse Review Get your family involved in the preparation of the meals as well. Younger children can help by setting out the dishes, chopping vegetables and clearing the table. While the older ones can help in the cooking and learning to cook all at the same time.

Cook large quantities of healthy food recipes and freeze the left-overs. Usui Reiki Healing Master Review This routine will not only save you time but will also save you money. Consider cooking large amounts of stews, soups, chili and casseroles.

Remember when freezing leftovers to clearly label the containers. Adonis Effect Review Using freezer tap and permanent markers will save the guessing games. Be sure to keep the oldest foods near the top to avoid having to throw away expired items.

Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Review To help with the cooking of large quantities, stocking up on meats when they are sale will be very helpful and another great way to use that valuable freezer space.

Customized Fat Loss Review A great way to stretch your dollar is to stock up on frozen foods such as chicken, turkey, ground beef, steaks, roasts, chops and the list is endless. Making this part of your routine will enable you to make healthy meals and save you money as well.

Keeping a well stocked pantry is as important as keeping a well stocked freezer. Eating For Energy Review The preparation of healthy meals will be much easier when you have a good supply of staple items like canned vegetables, canned fruits, soup stocks, sauces, dry pasta, beans and rice.

Stocking the pantry will also save you money and keep you from running to the grocery store when you need a particular item for your recipe. Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review Keeping your eyes open and aware of store sales will make it easier to stock up on the staples.

Some great staples to stock up on are whole grain cereals, Jump Manual Review pastas, tomato sauce, baked beans, canned salmon, canned tuna, dry and canned beans. You can also purchase breads on sale and freeze for future use.

Muscle Maximizer Review Everyone wants to remain as healthy as possible as they age and also maintain a younger looking healthy body. To do this there are a number of things you can do that will promote better health and a younger appearance. Start off by eating right.

The types of foods you put into your body can greatly affect the health of your vital organs, The Truth About Abs Review along with your skin which aides in the appearance of youth. It is suggested that you consume as many fruits and vegetables as possible. They contain many of the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy.

If you begin eating a healthy diet while you are still young it will greatly increase your chances of staying healthy. Turbulence Training Review The recommended number of fruits and vegetables is nine servings a day. That may seem quite a bit, but keep in mind that fruit juices that are all-natural, along with veggie drinks also count as a serving.

One of the best ways to get the most nutrients out of fruits or vegetables is to buy organic products or at least the types that are the least processed. Visual Impact Muscle Building Review Most organic fruits and vegetables are not sprayed with chemicals used in pesticides, so it makes sense that food made without pesticides are healthier.

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review Another way to maintain a younger looking healthy body is to moderate how much you eat. Everyone needs three healthy meals a day, but if you can cut out at least some of the snacks you consume it will lead to better health.

It's never wise to starve yourself even if you are trying to lose weight. Affilorama Review Your body will not react in a healthy manner if it does not have the required calories it needs. Try to eat at intervals of approximately five hours apart. Doing this will allow your body to process the calories of the last meal.

A very important way to maintain health and a younger looking appearance is to exercise in moderation. If you aren't use to exercising, Blogging To The Bank Review begin slowly. The more you do the more you will be able to do, if you start out properly with a good exercise regiment.

If you have been in ill health it is always good to speak to your physician before beginning any sort of exercise program, Cash Code Review but he or she will more then likely state that it is a good idea if done properly and in moderation at the beginning.

If you are unable to do strenuous exercise you might try an exercise program like yoga, Chris Farrell Membership Review which is good for you but doesn't put as much strain on your body. Walking is also a great way to maintain a healthy body. Even if you start with small walks at first then move on to longer ones, it is a very healthy habit to get into.

Baby steps, Coffee Shop Millionaire Review that's our first living healthy tip. Make small changes in your lifestyle. People are usually resistant to drastic changes. That's why crash diets usually don't work.

Fap Turbo Review So unless you have a health problem and need medical intervention, make incremental changes only. For instance, if you're not getting enough vegetables in your diet, include a couple of servings in just one meal every day for starters. Progress to both lunch and dinner later. Then add fruit to your breakfast.

If you're prone to snacking, Forex Growth Bot Review wean yourself away from greasy items and replace them with healthy fast food like a lean meat sandwich or a tossed salad.

But like we mentioned earlier, Forex Megadroid Review exercise is one of the two essential ingredients to living healthy. A lot of us have sedentary lifestyles. We sit at desks in front of a computer for hours at a stretch, five or six days a week.

But the body needs movement to keep it healthy. Formula 1 Lotto System Review It's what keeps the motor running. Those who live active lifestyles and love adventure sports, hiking and trekking have a greater chance of being healthy.

Sign up for a swimming class, Get Cash For Surveys Review water and mow the lawn twice a week, walk to work instead of taking the bus, if its not too far, or take the long route to the tube station rather than the short cut!

Physical activity keeps the heart pumping, Google Sniper Review the blood circulation going and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. It keeps your joints fluid, maintains bone mass, reduces stress and raises self-esteem.

So you see, IM With Jamie Review it's not just about weight loss. Living healthy tips suggest small changes that simply keep your body fit.

Our second living healthy tip is to eat well. Killer Content Review This essentially means two things - getting the right quantity of food and getting the right nutrients in a balanced diet. Here are a couple of questions you could ask yourself: are you eating enough fresh fruit? Are you getting enough vegetables? What about cereal, roughage and fiber?

If you're following our living healthy tips, Local Mobile Monopoly Review perhaps you could switch from full-fat and whole milk to skimmed milks and other low-fat dairy products. This goes for cheese too.

Lottery Method Review For years we have been told that chocolate is bad for our children! It rots their teeth, disrupts the levels of sugar in their bodies and makes them hyper, and generally does them no good at all! In fact many schools ban it from lunch boxes and dinning halls!

And yet, Million Dollar Pips Review chocolate was once considered to be the "Food of the Gods"! In its healthy form it can be one of the best natural foods that you can give your child. This article explores why chocolate has received such a bad press and what we, as parents, can do about it.

When I am talking "Chocolate" I am not talking about 99% of the chocolate sweets, My Mobile Money Pages Review candy bars, desserts, and other junk that our children are encouraged to eat. Not all chocolate is created equal and part of the purpose of this article is to educate on the difference between healthy chocolate and bad chocolate!

Net Space Profits Review To understand a little of this we need briefly to look at the history of chocolate.

Chocolate was used as a wonder food in South America for centuries. Penny Stock Prophet Review It was highly regarded by both the Mayan and Aztec cultures for its medical and restorative properties. Cocoa beans were even used as a form of currency - in a similar way that we used precious metals such as gold and silver in the west.

It was often consumed as a drink. Real Writing Jobs Review The Spanish conquistador, Hernan Cortes, wrote this about it in 1519:

"The divine drink builds up resistance and fights fatigue. Pro Flight Simulator Review A cup of this precious drink permits a man to walk for a whole day without food"

Roulette Sniper Review It was only when it arrived in Europe that the taste was changed to make it more "palatable" to the taste buds of the "civilized world". Unfortunately, this processing was the beginning of the end for the natural goodness of chocolate. The chocolate that we have come to know in our confectionery products is definitely NOT the same as the original healthy dark chocolate of the Aztecs.

So, why is chocolate so good for children?

We all know that children need their fresh fruit and vegetables. SaleHoo Review The science behind this is very strong and most parents are aware that fruit and vegetables contain a whole range of nutrients that are vital to children's health.

If your children are anything like mine you might have at least occasional issue getting them to eat their five helpings every day! Silver Lotto System Review We know their importance, but facing the daily battle to get them into our children can be a real struggle!

If it is a choice is between a plateful of fruit or vegetables and a small square of healthy chocolate, which one do you think might win? Sports Betting Champ Review Opting for these squares certainly saves the battles at meal time, and ensures that the children are getting top quality nourishment in an easily digestible and enjoyable way!

It may seem remarkable, The Lotto Black Book Review or surprising, or even unlikely, but three squares of healthy chocolate a day is all it takes to ensure that your children are getting all the natural goodness of their fruit and vegetables! Like any other caring parent, I want the very best nourishment for my children to ensure they grow as healthily as they can. If it comes from eating a special chocolate, which they thoroughly enjoy, then that is fine by me.

You don't have to take my word for it either. Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review There is plenty of independent research available on the Internet that supports these claims. Just Google "Healthy Chocolate Science" and see what comes up.

If you are worried that eating chocolate may contribute to a rise in child obesity then don't be. The Diet Solution Program Review Healthy chocolate actually acts to cut down on cravings for sweets and snacks and balances sugar levels within the body for several hours. Our own children have cut out their snacking almost completely since being on healthy chocolate.

It seems very strange to think that simple chocolate should be considered a "Superfood" for our children - but both the hearsay and scientific evidence is increasingly strong. Fit Yummy Mummy Review If you are struggling to get high quality nutrition into your children then it is certainly worth considering!

Chocolate is a natural food and one that kids thoroughly enjoy eating. Fit Over 40 Review It has made a massive difference to our own children's health in a very short period of time, and I would definitely recommend it to all parents.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Review What you eat when you are pregnant not only affects you but also affects the baby that is inside you and a healthy pregnancy diet helps you give birth to a healthy baby while maintaining your good health as well. Some women believe that once you are pregnant,

you can get away with eating anything and use the eating for two as a reason to get away with over-eating during this time of their lives. Fat Burning Furnace Review What you eat during your pregnancy should not be used as an excuse to get away with gaining weight because of the pregnancy. You should still eat reasonably to gain the right amount of weight needed to support the baby as well as yourself during the next nine months.

Eat Stop Eat Review One of the healthy pregnancy diet tips that you will get from dietitians and doctors is the increase of your daily caloric intake by 100 calories for the first three months of your pregnancy and by 300 calories for the rest of the months until you give birth.

This does not mean however that you should go crazy with what you eat during these days. You should add healthy calories to your caloric increase and not those high fat, high sugar foods that you feel you can get away with eating due to your pregnancy.

Other healthy pregnancy diet tips that you should take note of include tips on what food to avoid during your pregnancy. Cheat Your Way Thin Review Some foods may be harmful to your baby when you take in too much of these and some are altogether harmful and should be avoided.

For example, if you are a coffee drinker, you should minimize your intake to three small cups a day since caffeine can have some rather negative effects on your baby. Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle Review You can also choose to drink decaffeinated coffee if you really cannot live without the flavor of coffee constantly on your tongue. Some of the foods you may be advised to avoid when pregnant are seafood that are known to have high mercury levels like mackerel and swordfish.

No healthy pregnancy diet is complete without the supplements that are needed to help your baby be born healthy. Turbulence Training Review The list of supplements that should be part of your diet, and is usually prescribed to you by your ob-gyn, include folate, iron, calcium and vitamin D. These are not only good for your baby but for you and your own health as well.

Medifast is a meal replacement plan that helps a person lose weight rapidly and easily. Truth About Abs Review Unlike other traditional and commercial diet plans out there, Medifast is clinically proven to be safe and effective. It is designed in such a way that a person under the Medifast diet can lose two to five pounds a week.

With meals that are low in calorie, carbohydrates and fat, a person's body is already protected from the unnecessary bulk. Tacfit Commando Review In addition, since these meals are high in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals, the regular nutritional requirements are still met by the body.

The Medifast diet plan is indeed a healthy option to get in shape and stay that way. Not only does it help a person lose those unwanted fats, No Nonsense Muscle Building Review but it further develops a healthy lifestyle into his system. Medifast highly promotes its 5 and 1 meal plan which basically requires a person to eat six meals a day.

The five meals are proportionally adequate and nutritionally balanced. Muscle Gaining Secrets Review A person can choose from a variety of Medifast's products such as cereals, oatmeal, soups, puddings, snacks and supplement bars. The remaining meal, on the other hand, is the lean and green meal which is generally consisted of lean meat and green vegetables.

A person can eat a small portion of lean meat such as skinless chicken or turkey breast. Slim Weight Patch Review The green part can be two cups of green salads or non-fat vegetables. Since a person under the Medifast diet plan eats six meals a day, he does not go hungry and thus, relieving him from occasional cravings.

Phen375 Review The Medifast diet further promotes a healthy eating habit since most of the Medifast products that can be availed use up soy protein as its primary content. Since soy protein is already a complete protein, there is no more need for additional sources such as pork and beef.

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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy
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Can You Snack and Stay Healthy

3. Purchase the dirty dozen fruits and vegetables organically: strawberries, bell peppers, spinach, cherries, peaches, celery, apples, raspberries, grapes, green beans cucumbers and potatoes. You may remember them from an earlier Healthy Hint. Basically, if you eat the skin (and especially if you eat that fruit often), eat the organic ones. To save money, when buying bananas and other thick skinned fruits and veggies buy them in the non-organic form. Put your money into the fruits and vegetables that you eat the skin of - that's where it is most important.

4. Take your green drinks and fish oils every other day to stretch your dollar. You will still be getting more than you did before you began this quest to be healthier and will cut your costs in half while things are tough.

5. Cut out more of the expensive processed, packaged, sugary junk that makes up a big chunk of the grocery bill. Drink water instead of soda and eat fruit instead of candy. You will feel better, be sick less often and be more productive.

6. Eat at home. You be able to get organic, free range food and won't be spending extra money for someone to serve it to you at a restaurant. And hey- cooking and cleaning the kitchen can make great family time.

7. Pack a lunch. It's healthier and less expensive than eating out. There are great lunch ideas in the back pages of my book.

8. Purchase from co-ops and discount stores whenever possible. The resource section or Shopper's Guide to Healthy Living has places to start.

During this economic crisis, remember what Mad Money's Jim Kramer said when asked what is the most important thing to invest in at times like these: he answered " invest in your health". Take care of yourself so you can take care of your family.

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About Darla Maldonado Junior   Affiliate Marketing

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Joined APSense since, March 31st, 2013, From NY, United States.

Created on Dec 31st 1969 18:00. Viewed 0 times.


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