Healthy Breakfast Meal Ideas for Pregnant Lady in India

Posted by David Swift
May 13, 2020
Pregnancy requires a soon-to-be-mother to maintain and follow a diet, which is nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals, to ensure there is ample nutrition for both the mother and the developing baby.

The chosen diet should have a lot of protein, iron, fiber, calcium, folic acid, vitamins A, B complex, and C for a balanced diet beneficial for both, the mother and the baby, as per the gynecologist in Gurgaon. Food rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals alongside folic acid is extremely important. Folic acid is crucial for pregnant women, as iron deficiency can be a common problem and lead to neural tube defects. A nutritious diet will ensure ample iron for both the mother and the developing baby.

It is imperative to manage a diet that is rich in iron (27 mg per day), crucial for fetal development; as many women encounter morning sickness, it is crucial to eat healthy and fulfilling breakfast, even if it is a small portion. Oats with dried fruits like raisin, apricots, and figs are extremely beneficial and iron-rich; adding options like spinach to food like dosa, or bajra (pearl millet) roti is a great way to have a filling and nutritious meals. Eggs, tuna, red meat, and liver are also great ways to incorporate iron into the diet.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C has been proven to increase the absorption of iron-rich food and acts as a catalyst. It is, therefore, beneficial to incorporate a lot of high vitamin C food, like oranges and lemons, for better absorption of the crucial iron during this time. Therefore, fresh juice or a smoothie is a great addition to the meal.

Calcium is vital for the baby’s bones to be healthy and also for the mother; 1,000 mg per day should be the normal quota. This can be achieved in many ways like incorporating Lassi during breakfast as dairy is one of the best sources of calcium. Cottage cheese (paneer), almonds, and figs are high in calcium and should be included for a balanced diet.

Fiber is important for the body as it controls cholesterol and blood sugar; the required amount for the day should be between 25 and 25 grams; Fiber-rich fruits like guava, strawberries, mangoes, apples, and bananas are a great way of getting the dietary fiber and nutrition. A big bowl of fruits with yogurt is healthy and desirable, not to mention delicious to enjoy.


The developing baby will require ample amino acids, which is derived from the right protein consumption. Drained yogurt, cottage cheese (paneer), peanut butter, eggs, cheeses like Cheddar and Swiss are delicious, hearty, and fulfilling.

Whole grains

Complex carbohydrates keep you full for a longer time, with an essential and high dose of the vitamin B complex crucial for fetal development. They are great for sensitive stomach and porridge, whole wheat cereals without sugar, whole wheat bread, and also wheat germ are a great addition for the required nutrition.

Therefore, before charting out a nutritious and healthy breakfast plan, you must consult the best gynecologist in Gurgaon and at other locations to have the best diet plan for yourself and the baby.

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