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Every idea needs a Medium 
Digital Publishing... ’over 100 million readers’
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Digital Publishing... ’over 100 million readers’ come to find an insightful and powerful new model for digital publishing... Together writers can lead to discovery and growth. Together with millions of collaborators, we are building a vibrant ecosyst
The best ideas can change who we are. Medium is where those ideas take shape, take off, and spark powerful conversations. We’re an open platform where over 100 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface. Our purpose is to spread these ideas and deepen understanding of the world.

We’re creating a new model for digital publishing. One that supports nuance, complexity, and vital storytelling without giving in to the incentives of advertising. It’s an environment that’s open to everyone but promotes substance and authenticity. And it’s where deeper connections forged between readers and writers can lead to discovery and growth. Together with millions of collaborators, we’re building a trusted and vibrant ecosystem fueled by important ideas and the people who think about them.

A living network of curious minds.
People also ask
How much do Medium authors get paid?
Here's what Medium has to say about writer pay: The very top writers, less than 1% of Medium writers, make $5,000 to $30,000 a month. It took most of the top writers 1 to 2 years of writing for Medium before they were making that much. Around 94% of writers earn under $100/month.Dec 19, 2022

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