De-clutter your jewelry box with these simple steps!

Posted by Neha Singh
Mar 20, 2018

Do you know what the biggest nightmare for a woman is? Not her wardrobe, not her over-flowing shoe rack but a highly cluttered and mismanaged jewelry box. Why? Because it is so difficult to find that one piece of jewelry that you truly wish to wear when you are in a sort of rush!   

The following tips on organizing a jewelry box can ensure that everything remains in place, and tempers don’t fly in light of an emergency. Follow them to the T, and find your lovely PANDORA bracelet in time without any major hassles.

Empty & Clean: Before starting out with any organizing work, empty out the box you wish to use as your jewelry box. Store the jewelry in a temporary spot or a box. Give it a quick cleaning with a dusting cloth. You may also use a cleaning spray to wipe off any smudges, but be sure to wipe off any wet spots. Make sure its dry and dust free before keeping any item in the box once again.

De-clutter & Sort: It’s quite likely that some of your jewelry may have gotten tangled with each other – be patient while doing this. After untangling and pairing the lost pieces, divide them into three groups –items to keep as is, items to clean, items to remove. You may come across some pieces of jewelry that are damaged beyond repair, or rusted, or form an incomplete set. Sort through and group them!

Take Stock & Compartmentalize: Once you have your stock of clean items of jewelry, segregate them on basis of the type – necklaces, earrings, bracelets etc. After all, you would not like your lovely PANDORA rings get tangled in a chain or a necklace.  Lay them out and take note of all you have. Add dividers to the jewelry box – you may use thick paper for the same. After making compartments, add the jewelry items as per type in their respective sections. You may even take a snap of the jewelry box post sorting – this will help you keep a track of what needs to go where.

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