A Guide on Mobile App Development Phases in 2021-22

Posted by Paresh Sagar
Oct 19, 2021

Hello, App Enthusiasts!

With the increase in the usage of mobile phones, users are more and more shifting to using a mobile application rather than opting for websites.

And it is true that mobile apps are projected to generate a high range of revenue in the upcoming years. Let’s say beyond $935 billion.

The mobile app development domain can offer you a zenith amount of successful outcomes but this is only possible if you have a clear understanding of what are your goals to accomplish and the ways to develop an app.

What is the Need for Mobile App Development?

With more and more smartphones being sold on a daily basis, the importance of mobile apps has increased rapidly as people require applications. And if the mobile app is providing a first-class experience, then it is a cherry on the top for the retailers. To magnify your business, mobile app development is a must. See the below revenue stats. 

Mobile App Development Process

A comprehensive mobile app development process can be accomplished by the amalgamation of the below six important phases:

1. Building a Strategy

The first stage of the mobile app development life cycle is to clear-cut your ideas and make them function. Find your audience niche who will be using your application. Then, find your possible rivalries.


The mobile app development organization should be very obvious about the app that it is developing and its goals to serve the users.


Hire a Professional Mobile App Consultant and get advantageous outcomes for your app. 

2. Analyzing and Planning

While heading to this phase, your ideas turn into reality digitally. This stage demands you to prepare a standard procedure for your mobile app.

Plan the below-listed checklist: 

● What features will your app involve?

● How will your app navigate?

● The look and feel of the app - App Design

● What date will your app be completely ready?

● Decide on hiring a professional App designer, App marketer, and an App developer

● Do I require to create two distinct teams for the iOS and Android mobile app development process?

● Designate a unique name for your app and create a domain

 3. UI/UX Design

Better User interface (UI) / user experience (UX) = A Successful mobile app

When planning the design in your mobile app development process, see that the design you have chosen meets:

● User-friendliness

● Interactivity

● Insightfulness

● Is engaging

● Includes commonly expected features from the ios and android apps

● Proper functioning design

● Contains features that are easily adaptable.

Provide your contact information wherever possible and make the checkout process easy to avoid cart abandonment.

Information Architecture

The next phase is to have a clearly defined vision of your data - the data to display, the data to collect from the user, his journey across your app.

Map out a whole workflow of the user’s possible interactivity within your android app.


Wireframes, the digital sketches that structure your app’s functional requirements. Wireframes conceptualize more on an artistically pleasant app rather than on the color and theme.

Create wireframes promptly and in a lucrative way before concluding with the design. The application that you are building should be device-specific. You should be clear with the ios or android app design as both serve a different perspective in terms of user experience.

Style Guides

It is a manual to be followed when designers process the designing part. The designing decisions include choosing a color palette that is aesthetically pleasing, a font that is clear to understand, the position of the icons to be placed.

Putting an emphasis on the style guide increases the interactivity and efficiency of your app.


The mockups stage comes after applying the patterns of style guide to the wireframe and this includes the final interpretation of the app designing. The mockups are created with the help of Adobe Photoshop, Figma, and Sketch by many designers.



Prototypes refer to the dynamic transcriptions of the app being developed that help to imitate the user experience with the app.

Prototype building can get costly and labor-intensive but it adds value to building a perfect app for your business.

4. App Development

The whole mobile app development process depends on this stage which further comprises 3 essential parts.

1. Backend Technology

The backend technology is needed to store, secure and process the information. The user interaction with the app is because of its backend database.

2. API

The technique to communicate the app with the backend server is referred to as an Application Programming Interface (API).

3. Frontend Technology

Simply put, what is displayed in front of the user is the front end. The backend server and the API facilitates the smooth interaction of the app.

Some of the front-end languages to build an android app are HTML, CSS & JavaScript.

5. Testing

Before launching an app, verifying it from 360 degrees is a must. This brings us to the next important step of our mobile app development process - Testing the app where the uniformity, utility, and user-friendliness of the app is examined. 

● User Experience Testing

● Functional Testing

● Performance Testing

● Security Testing

● Device and Platform Testing

 6. Deployment

The concluding phase of the Mobile App Development Process. To launch your mobile app on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, you will require a developer’s account. 

● App’s Title

● It’s Description

● Category of the app

● Keywords

● launch Icon

● App Store Screenshots

After the mobile app is launched successfully, examine your application carefully and ensure reading feedback and crash reports from time to time.

The android apps get successfully released after a few hours while iOS apps may take several days and examines the app process on whether you have followed all the guidelines or not.

Bottom Line!

The mobile app development process is continuous and needs to be kept full-fledged. It requires upgrading new features every once in a while.

Hire a Dedicated Mobile App Developer who can develop a comprehensive mobile app for you with the embodiment of all the above-mentioned areas. 

Happy Reading!

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