4 Key Elements In Your Blog Writing Which Makes The Post More Engaging!

Posted by Script Baron
May 31, 2018
Writing a blog post may seem to be an easy task in first glance but in reality it isn’t! You may sit to create a blog post but may feel that the words are drained out. At times, these small problems can make your blog writing troublesome. An effective blog writing involves following an unstated structure. The structures may vary but most of them have similarities. It is the personality of your business and the focus of your blog that determine the nature of content produced. Blog post writing service professionals have identifies four key elements that helps in creating an exceptionally powerful blog post.

Let us discuss these key elements:

1. Write an attention grabbing headline

Headline is often the first thing which is seen by readers in any post. If the headline is understandable and caters their need for information then they read ahead or else leave the content. A good blog post should have one idea,one topic and one story. Before you begin with blogging, make sure to decide what do you want to write about. Choose a headline which can ideally give your writing a direction from the beginning.

A good headline should be interesting, descriptive and engaging at the same time which can compel readers to click and read.

2. A catching lead paragraph

First impression is always the last impression. After an amazing headline, readers begin with the first para of the content. Write your first paragraph is a way which can create a good impression on the mind of the readers and they may get interested in reading further. Don’t use any silly jargons or details which are not worthy for users in the first paragraph.

Also the attention for people is really less, the opening para decides whether they would continue or bounce out.

For captivating readers begin with a quote, a question or bold statement.

3. Give interesting supportive points

SEO article writing services consultants suggest that the body of the blog post is highly important to make users satisfy their need for information. This information presented to the users should be backed by proper facts to gain the trust of the audience and make the blog a credible source of information.

Every idea you project should have a rationale behind it. Divide you body of the post in bullet point and give details of each bullet points.

4. A compelling call to action

After your readers attention is captivated by headline, first paragraph and body of the content, it is time the users should be directed towards the call to action. Avoid being vague. Don’t let audience getting confused why they read the post, give something as a take away. In whichever method you want your client response, state that clearly within the content to make it easy for the audience. This way you will easily get what you need. This is where you can ask your readers with some questions, or ask them to leave a comment, share post etc.

In short, to create an engaging blog post make sure to use catchy headline, clear first paragraph, informative content body and a clear call to action for the users. Follow these elements and make your post more engaging

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