Tagvillage: A Revolution - Jun 2nd 2024 06:01

About our Business

Tagvillage is a new Social Network and search engine combined. You will be able to be on Facebook, TVillage,and search the internet all at once! and EARN while you do it! 

Recommended Features

  • Currently in Pre-Launch
  • Official launch-Jan.1st, as an API within Facebook
  • Solid Leadership, and top-notch Programming, NO monthly fees
  • Earn $'s just from interacting on the social platform, from buying/trading tag words,and referrals
  • Support and Create income for your favorite charities WHILE you do it!
I am encouraging all my friends and family to register NOW as a free member...Take your time, check it out, watch a webinar: I recommend the Dec. 6th one--has the most info.
DON'T fund your account unless you are as excited bout the potential of this as much as I am. There's nothing wrong w/ waiting for the official launch!
DO feel free to ask questions, and if you are on Skype, add me as a contact, Skypename: al.hamilton3 we have a support room there for all members, funded or free, to answer questions as well. 
Should you decide to fund now for pre-launch, THERE IS a 100% refund policy within first 60 days: 

Featured Products or Services


Looking to gain a more realistic comprehension of what a TRUE on-line marketer is... Simply goto Al's Apsense profile and read how internet marketing All Stars are made... I've recently had the pleasure of connecting with Al here at Apsense (of course), and joined a few of his programs/systems, Al is a very Honorable sponsor, and very dedicated to your progress)... I seldom give out these types of testimonials, BUT when someone this sincere appears, I simply MUST give him a BIGG show of appreciation... (Excellent Work Al)...
 - grgryosborne March 10th, 2011

Member's Profile

Al Hamilton
Cocoa Beach, Florida, United States
An over achiever who is willing to continue to grow and learn from other professionals. View Profile

Business Industry

  • Internet & eBusiness
  • Education
  • Business
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Marketing

Additional Info.

Tagville is the most revolutionary social platform to EVER come along. Have the BEST of ALL worlds>>> Free social platform that will allow members to be on Facebook, TVillage AND fully functioning browser all @ once. Ability to EARN, even as a free member, come official Launch on January 1st.