You have probably read multiple times that article writing either in networks, forums or blogs is a great way to brand your self and your business. It is the perfect way to profile your self as an expert. Combine this with proper support and interaction with your readers and they will soon trust you and many will convert from readers to customers. Sounds like common sense right? Of course you need to figure out first what to write about. But what if you have no clue or zero inspiration? What if you are suffering from writers block?

What to write about?
Speaking for myself I often get inspired by things I see and read on line. It can be a quote from a famous person, a story, a graphic and very often comments of people. Actual reading comments of people is a very good resource to discover on what information is a demand for. 
When you are writing on social media networks like APSense you may consider to write something personal i.e. about your background or a hobby. It will help people to see the person behind the profile picture and will remember you better.

Something to consider when you are mainly writing about the same subjects.
Try to find some different approaches to bring the message across. I.e. you can write a short anecdote and than in the conclusion write what lesson can be learned from it and/or what service/product can solve the problem.
As an example I would like to show you my article "Chickens and online marketing".

Anecdotes can be found everywhere. As above example illustrates in your back yard, in comedies on TV, an episode in a book, observing animals and what about your own life?

Your life as an inspiration
I often use things that occur in every day life to write an article about marketing. As an example I wrote an article called "About the day I ate worms and insects". The hidden message was that it is crucial to step out of your comfort zone to learn new skills and to achieve personal growth. For many people starting to write articles is a step out of the comfort zone for that matter. Read on if that applies for you.

A great way to gain new insights and contacts is to ask the opinion of the readers. Now the title of that article was also a good idea. I sounds more intriguing than "About leaving your comfort zone" to many people". I connected with a lot of new people. You can experiment with headlines and track the results. I made it a habit of making notes of headlines that made me click and try to find out why I clicked it. I also collect funny stories or pictures from several online sources and I am subscribed to a number of blogs. And I never leave the house without my note block; I know I will forget the idea if I do not write it down.

What else do need?
Some basic writing skills like a good structure: introduction, content, conclusion and call to action when it is a commercial article. Grammar and spelling are important too. There are many writers clubs online that can help develop your writing skills. Reading much will also help you to express yourself better.

How to get the most out of your article writing?
You should always keep track of other articles you wrote online so that you can link to them as an extra resource in your articles. Sometimes articles you wrote some time ago can inspire you to rewrite them 
because you gained new insights in the subject or write a new article related to that subject.

Older no longer relevant articles, what to do with them?
Especially when writing for profit it can happen that wrote articles around a certain service that has seized to exist or you are no longer associated with. Of course you can delete it but if you have promoted the article it may have back links and when you referred to that article in others those links will become dead links. Instead try to rewrite them by finding a similar service or product to promote.

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