Forward Steps Inspired Business Center - Jun 1st 2024 09:46

About our Business

Self Improvement Plus

Thea Westra lives in Perth Australia with her partner Greg. She enjoys reading, creating inspiring online resources, meeting for coffee to have conversations with like-minded friends, watching inspiring movies, exploring internet resources in the area of personal development and a variety of creative expressions, both on and off-line.

She holds several degrees in the field of education, has studied countless personal growth videos/audios/books, plus participated in and contributed to, many self-development programs over 17 years.

Thea opened the doors to her coaching business in 2002, working with clients locally and internationally. She now uses the internet as her preferred medium for contributing to you. As a result of this redirection, she is removing her one-to-one coaching service.

Regardless of professional endeavour or place in life, all Forward Steps site visitors and subscribers have one thing in common: they are all successful, resourceful, and intelligent individuals who want to get even more out of their lives.

Forward Steps is all about just that ...forward steps.
Thea's mantra is that "Each forward step enhances the value of your first".

No matter what our endeavour or goals, we need to keep moving forward. Not much happens when you are at a standstill. It's even extremely difficult to change course when you are standing still!

We are always learning and experiencing new things. Of course, things will still come at us, when we are standing still. However, we have much more power in determining our future when we are the ones taking very deliberate and personally chosen forward steps, towards our intended target.

"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep on walking"...Buddhist Proverb


Thea Invites You To Explore Many More FREE Gifts


There are a few things that are often misrepresented or never mentioned about "The Law of Attraction". I decided to create a video to support with our understanding of its workings. :) Enjoy!


The power of changing your life and becoming more successful starts with changing.

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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
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Daily Life Coaching Tips from Thea
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My favorite Personal Development Movies
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Thea has all her ducks in a row and I recommend her work for anyone looking to improve your life. As she states no one has all the answers for everyone, and she doesn't consider herself a guru. But from what I read, she very well could be a queen or a princess.
 - heartuvgold December 3rd, 2012

She had the great experience with great abilities to work with people and team. Overall great Apsense builder with helpful hands to get the things done!
 - sharonrandolphs September 7th, 2012

One thing about Thea, she has probable been there and done that! So if you need help with any part of you business she is the one to seek help from. She is not a taker, but a giver and has lots to contribute and help by sharing her knowledge and experience. Keep up the good work Thea.
 - bestteam June 30th, 2012

hollow my dear friend your ABC SITE IS VERY BUTIFUL
 - devalakhman November 30th, 2009

Hello Thea, I wanted you to know your ABC is very beautiful, I see quite a few ABC's and this has so much appeal for anyone new & old I believe you offer some great content and value. I have also listened to much of your recordings, get your newsletter & find them insightful and helpful regularly, want you to know how much I appreciate this!
 - kiwigal April 19th, 2008