"On the third day, there was a wedding in Kanah which is in the Galil and Yeshua's mom was there. Yeshua and his disciples were also among those invited to the wedding. When the wine ran out, the mother of Yeshua said to Him, "They have no wine".
Yeshua said to her, "What do I have to do with you, woman? My time has still not come."

His mother said to the server: "Do whatever He says to you."

Six stones pitchers were prepared according to the ordnance of the Yehudim for their purification.
Each of them was able to hold two or three battim ( 6 gallons or 22 liters).
Yeshua said to them: " Fill the pitchers with water" and they filled them to the top.
He said, "Now draw some and take it to the master of the banquet", and they took it.
The leader of the banquet tasted the water, which had turned into wine, not knowing where it was from. But the servers who had drawn the water knew.
The leader of the banquet called to the groom, and said to him: "Everyone gives out the good wine first and after they have drunk to overflowing he gives them the bad. But you have hidden the good wine until now!

This was the first of the signs that Yeshua did in Kanah, which is in the land of Galil. He revealed His glory and His disciples believed in Him."

Delitzsch Hebrew Gospels, John Chapter 2: 1-12

Yeshua our Messiah accomplished His first miracle in the town of Cana, Galilee.
Because of this precise sign, His disciples believed in Him. There is much more to learn about the episode of the wedding in Cana than one might actually think.
First and foremost, it is essential to bring the story back in its original context of Israel of the 1st Century. Otherwise, we are taking the great risk to misunderstand our Messiah's words. The Holy Spirit showed me various aspects of the symbolism of water and wine. 

I will do my best to share with you the understanding of this complex Gospel text that our Lord gave me.

The term "woman", a mark of respect in Ancient Israel

The way Yeshua responds to His mom has been the subject of many misinterpretations. In no way Yeshua disrespected his mother. In Ancient Israel, it is rather an expression of respect that would correspond to " Madam".

However, the following verse, as translated in the Delitzsch Hebrew gospels, really gave me food for thought.

In Hebrew Yeshua states:

מה לי ולך   "Ma li valakh?" which would translate by " What do you have against me?"

I asked Yeshua for some insights and here is what He showed me.
The verse mentioned above foretells the blood shed by our Messiah for mankind's Salvation.

Myriam's request reminds Yeshua of His destiny, but the time is not ready yet. 
Yeshua's answer is an interrogation towards Myriam: "Do you even know what you are requesting from me?"

Also, to dismiss some people who are into a devotional, pagan cult of Myriam, please not that Myriam says to the servers: "Do whatever He says to you."

Yeshua is the King of the Kings. To Him alone belongs the authority.

In his article, our brother Darren Huckey offers some interesting Messianic perspectives about the episodes of the wedding in Cana.

The symbolism of wine and water: a perspective from the Holy Spirit

I spent some time reflecting the story of the wedding in Cana. Yeshua's "oth" ( sign in Hebrew) is deeply linked with the symbolism of purification by water ( note that the jars are ritual purification jars). In the water, you will find the elements of new birth through baptismal waters. 

"I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleannesses and from all your idols I will cleanse you." Ezekiel 36: 25 

But the cleansing through the transformation of water into wine is taking us all to a deeper dimension. It announces the Sacrifice of the Lamb and also takes us further to the very Messianic dimensions of the wedding of the Lamb that is yet to come.

Maranatha. Come Lord Yeshua. Come soon.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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