I have done nothing more than the other to enjoy my sense and yet you made me the free gift of the richness that I am. If everyone in the world like a little thought to this, there would be a mad rush to you, Lord, to tell you THANK YOU! For those who do not take the time to tell you, I say THANKS to the wonders that we are Lord, you've retired to the desert to discern the paths that were available to you, You chose to live not as a God free of human frailties, but as a man among men. We, too, sometimes we find ourselves in the desert. Everything seems so hard, so arid, around us and in us. So my projects seem trivial human and my certainties of yesterday I spun between the fingers like sable.Seigneur, when you went through the desert, There you've traced how risky paths. These paths have led you to the Cross but they open us to Hope, Freedom, Love.

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