So many sources of great distraction exist in our contemporary world.
We are often caught into multiple activities during the day that it is so easy to drift away from our Lord. Bible scholars are even more at danger to be so much caught into a text that they might forget completely about the Almighty. Sounds contradictory? It isn't. There is a huge difference between studying a text of Scripture and trying to extract the very meaning of it and living our Lord's presence daily.

So, since we might get busy and distracted during most of our days, what do we need to do to avoid being distant from God?

Isaiah 55:6 gently reminds us: "Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near".

The first thing, when we open our eyes is to remember that our friend has been waiting for us. Talk to Him, say hello to Yeshua. Start the day by being with Him. It doesn't matter how busy you'll be afterwards. Just take the time to tell Him that you love Him, that He matters to you.

Another point to remember: if you are a true disciple, you received the Holy Spirit. So, no matter where you will be and what you do, remember that you are permanently connected to Yeshua, the Source of Life.
Therefore, at the beginning of your day, as for the Spirit's guidance and counsel.

If you recommanded your days in the hands of Hashem, trust that, no matter which kind of difficulty you will ne facing, Hashem will be with you.
There is no wall, no obstacle, no adversary who can win over you if you are connected with the Spirit of God. You will walk in humbleness, in His wisdom, for He is with you, always, even when you forget to think about Him.

May Yeshua our Lord inscrease your love and friendship for Him. May He bless all you days and give you restful nights in His presence. Amen.

Copyright© by Isabelle Esling

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