Cleansing crystals in your Maha Mala products

Crystals not only emit vibrational energy but can also absorb positive or negative energies, therefore when you receive your new crystal product it is a good idea to cleanse the energies within the stones.

Generally crystals can be cleansed by placing under running water, either in a stream or under the tap. However we do NOT recommend this for our products as the stringing material may degrade. (We never recommend washing crystals in salt water as salt is an abrasive and can damage your crystals!- similarly leaving certain crystals out in the sun can lead to bleaching- stones like Amethyst do this…)

Our preferred method of cleansing our crystal products is Smudging. 

Smudging is an American Indian tradition of clearing the energy of a space, object or person.  A ‘smudge stick’ is made of dried herbs such as sage which are bound together by string.

For our purpose we also call using a stick or sticks of incense ‘smudging’.

Here is how to smudge your products;

  1. Before you begin smudging make sure you have positive thoughts and intentions in your mind- you don’t want to transmit any negativity whilst trying to clear out!
  2. Light some incense or smudge stick and first purify yourself by holding the incense/smudge stick in one hand and with your other hand wafting the smoke towards yourself- from your head downwards. Do this three or four times.
  3. Next hold your necklace/bracelet above the smoke and move the crystals around in the smoke for 30-40 seconds to purify them. Keep your thoughts clean and emotions neutral.
  4. Once done, place your product back in its cloth pouch for safekeeping when not using or wearing.

If you do not have any incense or smudge sticks around you can also alternatively place your crystal healing product on a cluster of Quartz Crystals overnight (if you happen to have such a cluster in your home). Quartz Crystal is a stone that helps to clear unwanted energies from other stones.


You can simply place your crystal products out on a piece of cloth on the next full moon. This can be on your windowsill, on your balcony or even on your lawn.

There you go! Your Maha Mala crystals are now cleansed and ready to be worn and used!

You can now set an intention for your crystals. Read how to set an intention here.

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