Use the power of leveraging Facebook on your blogs with

If you're like most online marketers, you spend much of your time creating and sharing content on Facebook to promote yourself and your business. The problem is, most of that content can't be crawled by Google, so it's never seen by potential customers of yours who are searching Google. When was the last time you saw a Facebook status update of yours indexed in Google? Never.

That's where comes to your rescue. What if every time you updated your Facebook status or shared a Facebook post, it automagically became a post on your blog? Unique content that can be crawled and indexed by Google and all the other search engines, promoting your affiliate link or your business! That's exactly what does, on autopilot. Simply set it and forget it.

With, you never again have to worry about writing a blog post. As marketers, most of us know we should be blogging daily to build our businesses. The reality is, few of us have time, or we struggle with what to blog about. Yet we have no difficulty promoting ourselves and our businesses daily on Facebook! Now all of those Facebook posts can become our blog posts!

There's so much more. With, you can create niche blogs that constantly pull relevant content from niche Facebook pages. So let's say you're an affiliate for XYZ company. Everytime a new Facebook post appears that's related to XYZ, will blog that post while promoting your affiliate link for XYZ company. Fresh, unique content generated for your blog automagically! supports multiple blogging platforms and works on WordPress blogs, re-branded WordPress blogs (Pure Leverage and Global Domains International) and Empower Network's blogging platform.

While all subscriptions are processed by Empower Network, you're NOT required to become an affiliate for Empower Network.

You are NOT required to promote any particular company, and all platforms can be used to create multiple blogs that promote ANY business.

Take a look at this amazing product here...

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