I'll bet if I were to snoop in the trunk of your car I would find three things. A jack, a lug wrench and a spare tire. Each of these items is a tool. Now if you get a flat tire you use these tools to get back on the road.

 Yes you use the tools. The flat won't replace itself you have to do some work. You have to use the lug wrench to loosen and remove the lug nuts, you have to jack up the car so you can remove the flat then you have to replace the flat tire with your spare. Then you tighten the lug nuts lower the car and give the lugs one more good tightening and you are back on the road.

The internet works on the same principle. There are certain tools you will find here but you have to use them.

Social networks such as APSENSE allow you to meet others and interact. But it's not the only tool in the trunk. Hub pages and blogs give you a way to present your products without resorting to spam or blatant advertising.

A blog on your product can work better than anything else since you have the freedom to educate your prospects on your product and what it can do for them on a personal level. Maybe you have seen the benefits of your product in your own life so tell them about it.

Forums and groups allow you to meet others and build friend ships with those you meet. But it only works if you use it.

Find a forum or network and get involved.! Become a regular contributor. Start discussions and reply to other's discussions. Get in the habit of blogging even if it's just a couple of times per month. If you will do the work you will reap the returns.

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