Contact Info
662 416-3656 -
Memphis TN. USA -
My Story
I'm a medically retired carpenter. I have osteoarthritis and have had both hips totally replaced. I was always an active person building houses and commercial businesses. I loved hunting and fishing with my son and grandson. When all of these things came to an end, I had to have something to replace them. So I decided to try to make an extra income on line. I wasn't pressed for money and that was a h
Apr 2010 to PresentLead generating software in Social Media List Building
Jan 2011 to PresentThe company has all the tools necessary to be successful in any internet niche. They have just launched a new program called the 12 Second 100% Payout that truly is a 100% payout. You get paid for 5 sales before you have to pay the company anything,
Jan 2013 to PresentProvides you all of the marketing tools that you will need to succeed. Personal Branding, List Builder, Downline Builder, Link Tracking, Training, A Viral Mailer, A Traffic Exchange for $14 a month.
Co Founder
Aug 2013 to PresentOne Of The Largest Marketing Networks Online, Your Business Needs the Essential Tools That Will Allow You to Customize and Brand Your Business, Web Hosting, Website Designer, SEO Tools and Auto-Responder
Nov 2012
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I thoroughly enjoy visiting Ted's profile. His articles and Rev pages are well written and interesting. We've been connected here at APSense for some ...
Ted is A hard Working and Efficient Professional with Vast Experience in the Field of Internet Marketing..
I have always appreciated Ted's advice and input on APSense. I really like his Avatar. He and I are a lot alike as we have spent a lot of money to mak...
Ted is a top notch person, period! He has an incredible business mind and in my experience with him, he also has superb people skills. Some people kno...