Contact Info
About How A 28 Old Marketer Went From Being Broke to Working Fulltime in The Network Marketing Industry, Sponsoring 50 Reps, With Only Modest Success.....
To Presenting His Business To Over 3000 People in Less Than 5 Weeks!
You've reached the official Apsense Page of Robert Phillips, from Cincinnati Ohio Usa. I started this Apsense page for a couple of reasons.
First, to meet positive like minded people that are looking to take their lives to the next level. And seco
May 2007
Hi Robert, Your ABC is great buddy. To anyone that does not know Robert, he is reliable and trustworthy and I am very glad to know him. We chat ...
Terrific Business centre - and no less than i would expect from a professional marketer like yourself.
HI Robert, Your Business Center looks great my friend. You did a wonderful job with it...of course I did not expect anything less from you. You are...
Hello Robert, I really enjoyed looking through your website. Great colors and format. And it's so esy to navigate. I found all the information I wa...
I have been networking with Robert for about 6 months now and during that time have found him to be a very reliable and constant friend and business c...