
Emilly Stockman

Data Entry Operator, Last online: 1 month ago

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Many job seekers are not aware their resumes are ‘boring’ and tell the recruiter nothing other than providing a copy and paste version of a job seeker’s most recent job description. The job description may be word-for-word from the most recent company’s compensation plan.  Resume owners don’t realize this is a turn-off to recruiters. It’s boring and tells recruiters nothing about the job seeker’s capability and what problems they solve for the hiring company. The best way to im


  • Data Entry Operator
    May 2013 to Present

    Definition and Nature of the Work

    Auto parts counter workers, also known as auto parts salespersons, sell parts for motor vehicles. They deal in spare parts, replacement parts, accessories, and other equipment for cars, trucks.

  • APSense Member
    July 3, 2014

    Joined the APSense community.

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