Blogging Experts

Create a sitemap

by Stephen A. B. AYS Multi Services
Stephen A. B. Magnate I   AYS Multi Services
Search engines love sitemaps - not necessarily for ranking, but for finding links on your site. It's not critical that you create an XML sitemap or Google sitemap, plain HTML sitemaps work just as well.
Jun 9th 2012 15:10

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Following the advice of my friend Chris Bailey, I put both types on my blog, but I can't remember why it's useful to have both
Jun 9th 2012 15:41   
Stephen A. B. Magnate I   AYS Multi Services
You’re better off letting your site pages be found naturally by the crawler. Good global navigation and linking will serve you much better than relying only on an XML Sitemap.
Jun 11th 2012 14:15   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I don't count only on a sitemap for getting traffic, of course
Jun 11th 2012 14:26   
Stephen A. B. Magnate I   AYS Multi Services
am pretty sure of that Philippe....:)
Jun 11th 2012 14:46   
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