Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

If you are on multiple social networks - this new tool can save you time by controlling all your social media marketing from one portal, no more jumpi...

by Corey Blackmur Blackmur Global
Corey Blackmur Committed   Blackmur Global
If you are on multiple social networks - this new tool can save you time by controlling all your social media marketing from one portal, no more jumping from tab to tab or however you may be handling things now.

You know the old saying "Time is Money" and this new tool can save you "time" and additionally it can generate you "money".
I suggest you at least take a look and watch the video, it will benefit your business as well as free up additional time for other tasks.......
Jan 25th 2012 09:25

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Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Hello Corey, long time no see. :) Some people said PeopleString is a portal to run the business from. Is RamCage the same kind of thing?
Jan 26th 2012 16:39   
Corey Blackmur Committed   Blackmur Global
Back at you Philippe - yes it has been a while, I was on a bit of a hiatus so to speak. Ramping it back up again though. As far as answering your question. Ramcage allows you to access your social networks from one log in portal. For instance once I sign into my back office portal of RamCage, it lists my activity in FB. LinkedIn, Twitter etc. so what ever is posted in my social networks comes up in my portal. Also what ever I post in my portal goes to all my social networks. It is a real time saver. Now it is just a brand new company and they are adding more social networks as it gets programmed into the system.
Additionally there is an income generator to it as it does have a monthly fee to it at $9.00 US Funds...

As far as People-string, I don't know anything about their program, I remember checking it out once but that was so long ago, I can't remember what their program was about, so I can't compare them.

Hey and thanks for saying hello
Jan 27th 2012 01:36   
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