Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

There is a huge down side to trying to help people - they do not want to be helped! I am known (notorious?) for calling a spade a bloody shovel. Much ...

by Arthur Webster Just plain honesty
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
There is a huge down side to trying to help people - they do not want to be helped! I am known (notorious?) for calling a spade a bloody shovel. Much of my time is spent pointing out the very obvious truth to those who have had their ideas or opinions corrupted by ill-considered attention to gurus and pundits. What is this truth? Before anybody can help you, they have to know you. They have to understand what drives you. They have to accept that your definition of success might not align with theirs. They have to know how you are put together. Simply tellling someone that there is a different way of doing or achieving something is not "helping" them - it is you trying to change what they are trying to do or achieve. Forget what you know and discover what you don't know about the person needing help before you give any advice or direction.
Jul 12th 2011 16:53

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Not Here Committed  just want my account deleted
Notorious?? Lol

I believe I may have failed to realize there were people behind the posts, but perhaps there is a defined success in the world of boring, blatant & repetitive carbon copy adverts?

No offense...
Jul 12th 2011 17:28   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Arthur some people think the worlds runs on feel good. They refuse to face the fact that the world does not run on feel good. Probably why there are so many failures. They are all too busy hanging on the feel good bandwagon.
Jul 12th 2011 20:14   
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