Helping One Another Become The Best They Can Be

Oftentimes we complain about what others do to us and even the way they are living there lives but we always forget to ask ourselves how we are living...

by Tolulope Babatunde HCD Consultant
Tolulope Babatunde Senior   HCD Consultant
Oftentimes we complain about what others do to us and even the way they are living there lives but we always forget to ask ourselves how we are living and how others view us too. Are you standing aright?
Jul 12th 2011 07:39

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Tolulope Babatunde Senior   HCD Consultant
We often talk about change and eloquently express our desire for change in our personal, spiritual, business and other facets in our daily life. Really this is excellent and I have no objection to it.

Now, what are you as an individual doing to make the change you desire come to reality?

I will appreciate your comments and I believe this will also keep you on your feet till you accomplish the change you so desire.
Jul 29th 2011 11:13   
Otoabasi Umonting Senior   Marketing Consultant & Coach
"Things are easier said than done" my mum used to tell me. Without action, words will not have any effect. In my opinion, to make the change I desire come to reality, I have to stay consistent in doing the right thing. What's the right thing? Reaching out to others, adding value by sharing relevant information, supporting my team, learning new things and applying them (Self improvement). Without staying focused on the goal, and taking action, one will continue to stay in the same spot and day dream for a change.
Sep 13th 2011 03:51   
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