Private Group

The first fragments of the outline

by Philippe Moisan Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
Here, I will do some brainstorming of what I see could be in the eBook.

I found a title for publishing : Overnight success at ApSense

Tell me what you think. I would call it a white lie. It's impossible to get overnight success at ApSense. On the back cover, I will say why, and reveal what in a few lines some info on what I did to stand out.

I will of course describe all the features of ApSense.

1st, the dashboard, i.e. the home page :
Your main member info : type of member, level, profile link, status
News feedView messages/notificationsSearch toolAdd-on servicesQuick StartMember spotlightMy groups, Joined GroupsThe tabs : contacts, groups, blogs etc...
Whatever is there at the time of publishing :)
etc...Then, the options we find for blogs, RevPages, ABC, Campaigns, Advertisement

A section on the services : Ask ApSense, Live Stream, TE, Wiki, etc..

My one-man war against spammers, that got attention and showed other members it doesn't hurt to talk about these issues openly. And do something about it, openly.

I will talk about my use of what ApSense offers to get more attention to my opportunities : Live Stream, TE, ABC, RevPages as splash pages...

I will put a section on writing blogs with interesting info, and tell the readers that if they to read more, to join my group, or blob ( external blog ).

To write a RevPage, than a blog to get attention to that RevPage. It gets more visibility ,IMO

My screencast videos, my blog where I say what to do when you like blog, the groups to join

The members with whom I developed relationships. I will name these people.

I will ask some people to write a testimonial to me. I suggest you do the same, that info will appear in the book.

I will ask Laura Newton to write a special section on how to have success with MLMs, which one to choose, her reasons, that she successfully put it on the first page of Google.

I expect to have a chapter from Sean on business wisdom and reality.

I expect Dawie to write a chapter on scams.

Dawie has some knowldedge on list building and TEs. Good ! The more you contribute, guys, the more you can increase your share of the pie, I guess. That will have to be determined, though. Maybe a fixed amount could do the job.

Remember, I have no idea if the book will have any kind of success.

For that matter, I don't know how to charge for it. Maybe $27 would be reasonable, since we will have some bonuses.

Sean, as a bonus, you could offer the product you have about creating a business plan at a reduced price.

Nothing is set in stone right now. My main objective for writing this book is to get more recognition for my name, so that other products I create will get a buzz. Adding your names in the mix can only help the whole team, and each of you.

I will describe how I do testing and tweaking.

How to create a RevPage and use it on TEs.

How, instead of creating a membership site, with free and paid levels of membership, that you can do the same at ApSense with groups. I will use my "Achieve work-life balance" ( free ) and "Internet Marketing from the Heart" ( paid ) as examples. IMH has just started, I have no members, it's not ready yet, I want to put some more information in it. I will say that IMH is not for people looking for a free ride without putting any work. There you will find advanced techniques ot be successful in IM. And, most importantly, I will reveal that nobody gets rich fast, of the ones that do, don't stay rich long term.

Wincer told me he will help me to promote IMH. How, I don't know, but you bet he wants a paid group to be successful. Remember, I charge $7 monthly, he keeps 30 % plus $0.50. The more paid groups, the more ApSense makes money.

More to come...
Dec 4th 2010 22:03

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Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
@Philippe, You are on the roll.

The more detail you put in the better.

I would suggest your opening Chapter be about the Member Profile, how to set-up a proper profile and why it is of utmost importance. "Know, Like, Trust." Social networking 3 keywords.
There is so many articles on that specific issue here at APSense, it would be a breeze too finish that one in a jiffy.:)

PS. I want to ask all of you not to Top any discussions in this group. We don't want anything related to this group showing up in the news-feed, you know how people are, i have had questions already. I just told them it is a private project, and that the team is full.

Talk to you all a bit later.
Dec 5th 2010 04:31   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer
I was wondering why you hadn't topped it. I thought it was full of BS. :)

Thank you for explaining, actually. I didn't know what was the effect of the "top it" link
Dec 5th 2010 07:18   
Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
The title is curious enough; it will draw interest to the book. However, like some other things in the project, it is still a work in progress.

I agree with other things you have written. But, the $27 price may be a bit on the high side. We shall get a realistic value for the book when the first draft is being considered.

Since the focus of the book is business, that is, making money with APSense, the beginning chapters should focus on how to make money with APSense. The rest of the chapters will focus on the other details. That's what I think.
Dec 5th 2010 09:06   
Philippe Moisan Magnate II   Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

At this early point, nothing is set in stone.

If we put the book on ClickBank, they will set the price, if they accept it, and they charge a fee for evaluating the product, something like $50. Also, ClickBank takes a high percentage on every sale. Also, don't forget, ClickBank means affiliates will sell it for us, they get a percentage, I don't know who determines that percentage. Also, every product sold on ClickBank has a 8-week 100 % refund guarantee.

Just to let you know.
Dec 5th 2010 13:10   
Nnamdi A. Magnate III   Internet Marketer
Thanks for letting me know.

We shall do our best to produce a good product and trust that it will do well in the market.
Dec 6th 2010 04:43   
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