Business Round Table

Which headlines grab your attention?

by Meghan
Meghan Senior  
I've been trying to refine my e-mail marketing and advertising campaigns. I want to learn from each of you:

A) What kind of headlines grab your attention and make you want to read further?
B) Which headlines do you usually immediately mark as hogwash and ignore?

I often find I have a much more strict opinion than others and I don't want to limit myself. So, I look forward to hearing your opinions.
Nov 9th 2010 07:53

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
I have a tendency to look at any email headline that implies, free secret or pushes me to act now as hogwash. Too many scammers use these buzzwords to push their garbage.

If you want to up the odds of me opening an e-mail the words I TRIED or I FOUND have a much better chance with me.
Nov 9th 2010 09:03   
Warren Day Senior   
I don't know what grabs my attention in a good way anymore, definitely not much.
I know I'm sick of anything that will crush Google or Facebook especially considering the average person on the street has/will never hear of these things.
I don't like "Did Google/Facebook/Whatever pay you today?"
No, they gave me a free service. You won't and you probably won't pay either
People revealing secrets to dominate the world are ridiculous also, all of that nonsense insults my intelligence
Nov 9th 2010 09:19   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
Hi Meghan, i am also a bit of a fussy reader when it comes to emails.
I belong to some safelists and do receive plenty mails emails each day, i tend to agree with Cheryl.
The ones i ignore is the "re-", "My good friend has found", "Here is a gift", "Your question answered" etc. etc. etc. My list is too long.
Before i had filters setup in my safelist email i received about 1200 mails a day, after i filtered the stuff i don't like it came down to +/- 40 mails. E-mail marketing is a much harder nut to crack than most people think, that is why i tend to rely more on article marketing.
Nov 9th 2010 09:34   
Darren King Freshman  
I am only new to internet marketing but have some subcriptions to safelists and the emails I hate are the ones that start out with congratulations you have a new member, or you have won free credits. When they use these tactics I don,t want to go to their site.
Nov 12th 2010 07:43   
Dawie Bezuidenhout Professional   Systems Engineer I.T.
The best one they use on safelists which has thousands of members, "On Special Invitation Only", clearly they think we are Dumb.
Nov 12th 2010 07:51   
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