My Schnaaps

Is Schnaaps working

by Ron Magee Income Creator
Ron Magee Senior   Income Creator
Well I plopped down my $$s and forgot about it, after all it is a forced matrixand I was one of the very first ones to join under the admin. Of course as always, the forced matrix did not provide results. There is a huge misconceptionabout the power of a forced matrix of any kind and one should never plan on anyspillover from any program. You may happen to receive a few in your downlinefrom spillover but only if you happen to be one of the first 2 or 3 to join underanyone. To better understand any matrix whether a 2x 3x or even 5x simply putit on paper and count how many are required in each level. Once you get pastthe 2nd level it really begins to show how many people are required and howmany more to get you any spillover if you happen to be the last person on level2 or 3

Always when joining any opportunity, plan to do your own promotion and if youhappen to receive spillover then consider it a bonus. Be a good sponsor andhelp your referrals promote and benefit from the spill under and you will prosper.
Oct 16th 2010 05:01

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Ed Blount Professional   Business Owner and Mentor
I know the feeling Ron! I paid up then forgot about it in reality, and have just noticed the latest monthly fee come oout my account. So I need to give it a big whirl and then decide whether or not to stay in...
Oct 16th 2010 05:06   
Ron Magee Senior   Income Creator
I am with you EduEdu, every time I do something like that I want to kick myself because I know better.
Oct 16th 2010 11:51   
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