Ethics in business

Copy Catting AKA Cloning for profits

by Andy Anderson Owner Yuma Bloggers
Andy Anderson Professional   Owner Yuma Bloggers
I saw a so called guru produce over a million dollars in earnings selling a site stealing program that seems to have created a plague on creativity as of late.

Basically this Famous Santa Claus gave the gift of theft over self reliance. In short, why be creative and invent what you can steal from the labor of others. As a result if anything on the web works well today, there will be 50,000 of them tomorrow run by lazy copy cat admins who bought this self claimed Internet Mafia Boss' flat out horrid little program.

The sad part is this guy and a couple early users are the only ones who got richer.

Let's see why being a clone warrior causes so much failure. I mean this should start with common sense right, 1 is unique and all it's own but 50,000 is a ton of competition and being a clone your site has nothing special and unique to give people to choose it over the others.

Take a look at social media for Internet Marketing

Adland Pro and Apsense started a revolution thatbrought our blogs and forums together to influence IM through community sharing. The Giblink and others popped in and tried to improve and over charge while under delivering, we have Yuwie lost under all those popups hoping to copy off the success of Squidoo while providing the function of MySpace and in essence they just became a complicated version of Donkey Mails with more popups, a PTC with a capital FAIL.

Now we have Swom and Yournight replacing those paid survey sites with a Yuwie style lead in to CPA offers that just fill your inbox with more e-mail than you can ever answer. We have Sokule and Kulespace with charge per feature massive pricing that makes them even more exclusive to the haves then have not than what Giblink is.

All these clones but few unique newbies and innovators like out own Kooiii social media search engine or IM Faceplate where networking was finally put first and rewarded for NETWORK MARKETERS.

Innovation as old Santa Sal would say, has risk of loss and these clones follow sites already successful, but as Sal didn't tell you when selling Site Stealer, these close also don't have years of development behind them and the benefit of a development department already working on the next innovative addons, and you personal can not compete with even a million dollar company offering the exact same free product.

Innovation is not as hard as it sounds. Go to sleep and dream, when you wake, take action. If your too scared to take a risk, then follow a good leader and profit off their system the right way until you realize nobody ever get's rich without taking the lead at some point in life.

Oct 9th 2010 01:30

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Paula van Dun Magnate II   Retired
Yes, there is a lot op copying going on. I now see several simular programs as PaidInSeconds pass by, they are all using the same membership. About innovation: it is not so hard to be creative and finding ideas for generating sales and traffic. My personal handicap is not having the skills for programming, writing/installing scripts and manage databases; I only know a bit of basic html
Oct 9th 2010 03:58   
Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Copycatting eh? Not just being done with social sites. It's also being done with trademarks, logos and brand names. How many new scams do we see pop up and when you take a close look, it's just another old scam someone has dusted off, renovated and put out for the masses.

Sad but what you speak of is just another scam, just one that won't get people arrested but it is a scam. The gooroos just have a different gaol than getting your money, but they are getting something just as valuable, your labor in building their lists and filling them with other desperate newbies and gullible marks.
Oct 9th 2010 08:07   
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