Keyword Kingdom

ZibZoom is Live

by Ron Magee Income Creator
Ron Magee Senior   Income Creator
ZibZoom has opened it's doors for founding members with the livekeyword auction scheduled to begin on Oct 14 2010
ZibZoom is a new search engine that shares it's profits with it's membersunlike Google, Yahoo, Bing and others. It is not just about buying and sellingkeywords but also actually owning your own words and sharing in the profitwhen someone clicks on an advertisement when doing a search withyour keyword/phrase.
Imagine owning a piece of Google when it launched and being able to sharein the profits, a billion dollar per year industry.
Imagine owning a piece of FaceBook, Youtube or any other innovativebusiness on line today.
Now is your chance to be a founding member with 6 ways to earn from ZibZoom.
Oct 3rd 2010 08:46

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