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This has been hot for me

by Nancy Radlinger Online Business Consultant
Nancy Radlinger Committed   Online Business Consultant
I have been online for 4 years now and until I found this program, I was paying out more that I earned.  This program is a matrix and you get paid for the people that you bring in - it has been around since 2005 and they pay - I have received money from them 2 times now.  I know you have heard bad things about a site with a matrix - let me tell you why.

If a matrix site didn't work for you then the reason why was that you did not train your downline properly - you brought then in and moved on to bringing in more people and just left them to fin for themselves.  Then after a month of this person NOT knowing what to do - they left - sound familiar.

The key to getting a matrix or any program to work for you is COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION, COMMUNICATION with your referrals.  Don't just bring them in and forget about them. 

Think about it, if you are brought into a program and then forgotten about - how does that make you feel?????  If your upline chatted with you, showed you the back office, helped you understand the benefits, showed you how they were promoting, and was there to answer your questions when needed - would you not have been happier with the program and be more likely to stay vs just the attitude of getting brought in and ok fin for yourself - good luck - cya.

Personally, I would rather take the time to make sure that my downline is trained properly, be there to answer their questions and help them to build their downline and you are wondering how in the world is that going to help me????????  That helps by putting more money in your pocket in the long run - a happy downline is a working downline - a working downline is an educated downline.

This is what I do with Global NPN and if you would like to be part of my TEAM and learn how to start making money today - contact me on skype @ nancyradlinger or join my downline today and I'll contact you - it's your choice - keep whinning or start making money.     Click here to join me at Global NPN
Sep 25th 2010 18:49

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Jose Palomino Professional   Consultant
Hi Nancys
I think Global NPN is a good program.
I receive 2000 Leads per a week.
Do you think I can send info using Global NPN?
Do you think will be complicated?

Thanks Jose
Oct 18th 2010 21:50   
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