How Can You Earn an Income On the Internet

The Affiliate Marketing Formula

by Lonnie Niver Niver's Art
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Written by Lonnie Niver

was taking a look at my affiliate program earnings today and I am up to
over $270 dollars and that's not including the $130 Google Adsense so I
thought I would share how I am doing it. Until I started using this
formula I was not having any success.

Most of my time is thinking
of things I can offer to my targeted market to help them be successful
whether it's in network marketing or affiliate marketing. I am not
filled with lots of content so I have to go to webinars and other
meetings, reading ebooks and learn what others have learned. Then I put
the content into my own words and write it here on my blog or on my

The Formula
time I post to my blog my content is fresh unique and offers valuable
information to my targeted market.My
content is not a sales pitch, making it more easier for my readers to
feel at ease on my blog. Every post I make creates a
new page that displays affiliate links in the navigation area of the
blog.My blog has been submitted
to at least 10 blog directories so, that after a post I ping the blog to
the directory
to notify other bloggers that I have created a new


D. Niver




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Apr 6th 2010 18:09

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Joseph Botelho Magnate I   Investing One Gram at a Time
Good article, well designed and easy to follow and understand. Very simple steps for making and creating another stream of income. When you add it all up you notice that your making money from different avenues what is all about good work...

Apr 14th 2010 09:15   
Lonnie Niver Committed   Niver's Art
Thank you,

People don't want to feel pressured into to buying anything. In today's economy everyone is cautious as to where they will invest their money in and if we come off as a sales person they will run the other direction.

I have been getting people trying to get me to buy or join something and to me that is a big turn off. If you would have tried to sale me something Joe, I would have ran in another direction but you didn't and that is why I stayed. Even though we are in two separate businesses we can work together as a team to make money by helping each other.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More
Apr 14th 2010 09:34   
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