For the love of cats

Communicating With Your Cat

by Joyce Sanders
Joyce Sanders Advanced
Hi all,

I wanted to start this discussion concerning communicating with you cat so we can all better understand why we become their butlers! LOL  You know
they need an Entourage, don't U? LOL

I am starting with this snippet:

 Are cats smart?  
In the animal kingdom, the cat's IQ is surpassed only  
by monkeys and chimps. Cats think and adapt to chang-  
ing circumstances and learn by observation, imitation,  
and trial and error. Interestingly, cats seem to learn  
more quickly from their own mothers than from examples  
set by unrelated cats, but imitate humans. They have  
been shown to exhibit greater problem solving abilities  
than dogs. Tests conducted by the University of Michigan  
and the Department of Animal Behavior at the American  
Museum of Natural History have concluded that while  
canine memory lasts no more than 5 minutes, a cat's re-  
call can last as long as 16 hours, exceeding even that  
of monkeys and orangutans.  

It is also said that Cats understand up to 600 words where
Dogs understand around 300. Now isn't THAT the Cat's MEOW!
Jan 8th 2009 11:09

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Jean DAndrea Senior   Retired
Hi Joyce,

Agree with you about cats, and I KNOW I'm a cat servant.
My girl comes and gets me from the study to open the back
door for her, rather than using the cat door!
She's perfectly capable of using it, she just prefers to have
my attention. I think she's jealous of the computer. LOL

Jan 8th 2009 16:37   
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