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Backlinks discussion

by Lisa Lomas
Lisa Lomas Professional  
As some of you know, I do 3 trainings a week.

Last week I was on the topic of Backlinks, which I can share
with  you thanks to our new embedding feature of all audios
& movies.

Go and take a look, it costs you nothing.

Aug 26th 2008 17:16

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LM Hunt Committed   Online Business
Hi Lisa, I tried to add you as a friend though I am still pending.

I went to browse your site though was having difficulty with broken link navigation - when I went to one room, then clicked on another - I received no data. Is this happening for you, too.

Also, good group topic. I am always looking for good partners for popularity campaigns.

I would also have interest in listening to your audios. Are they posted?

Sep 9th 2008 13:11   
Beyond Eleven Magnate I   Fresh Money Making Ideas
With 15,000+ authors using Article Marketer to distribute their syndicated content, the article distribution service remains the industry leader in managed content distribution.


Have a nice day !
Aug 1st 2009 12:44   
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