APSense's Corner Cafe - Advertising Free Group...

Thanks for inviting me to your group

by Steinar Arason
Steinar Arason Innovator  
I have found that on Apsense everyone is doing the same thing, all have some kind of business and all try to use every chances they get to advertise their business to each other.

Hehe so it's going in circles so at one point Apsense is not that active or powerful internet server like you hoped like if you want to promote your business, make interesting articles or what ever.

So my question is what can Apsense do to help me?

Bye for now, Steinar Arason
May 2nd 2008 20:57

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Cheryl Baumgartner Professional Premium   Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
APSense is a place to build relationships while you use your business center to promote your business. This is networking and just like networking in the "real world", you don't go to Chamber of Commerce meetings to sell to the other members, you go to build relationships.

It's the relationships that will bring you business in the form of referrals or curiosity on the part of the friends you meet here. You never know where a relationship will take you. Get to know people and have fun exchanging ideas, learning from others etc. It will pay off in the long run.
May 2nd 2008 21:44   
Marvin Williams Professional   Success4Life.ws
Hi Steinar, Cheryl is right you have to build relationships.
May 2nd 2008 22:16   
Bj aka Bill Brown Magnate I   Hosting and Backup Service provider
Welcome to the group Steiner

I think cheryl has answered it fully there is little i can think of to add.

Although I do have about half a dozen ads scattered around most of my posts are things that can help others, and it has been offered freely.
By doing this instead of shoving my services down peoples throats by the truck load I have gained the trust of some mebers and they have become not only very good friends but clients as well.
May 2nd 2008 22:40   
Arthur Webster Senior   Just plain honesty
Hi, Steinar,

Ask not "What can Apsense do for me?" but "What can I do for Apsense?"

Approaching anything or any person with an open palm indicates a willingness to receive but no preparedness to give.

Not everybody here is trying to promote a business - unfortunately too many are, so the preponderance of posts is simply adverts - the astute members are creating relationships (as Cheryl points out) but, more than that, they are helping each other!

There is so much information in many of the blogs that I defy anybody to spend time reading and not learn something!

With the endless stream of community or membership sites (thanks to the "kill the golden goose gurus"), it will soon be very difficult to find a true community site. These sites are under huge threat from the money grubbing gurus who see them, not as a social asset, but as a place in which to sow spam. Indeed, these sites are under siege by the brain dead, unimaginative, buy every guru ebook, internet marketers.

But they are not marketers. They are chancers. They chance that this IS the latest , greatest money magnet since this scumbag scammer did his last one. They chance that if they jump ship often enough, they will eventually find one that floats. They chance that, because you are on their 'friends' list, they can send you any number of crapmails and never be accused of spamming. They chance that there are enough brain dead, unimaginative, buy every guru ebook, internet marketer members here that they will actually make some progress with their latest cheap, cardboard, imitation bizz-opp. They chance that their inneffectual and purile contributions will not damage the community.

They chance - the community loses!
May 3rd 2008 04:21   
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