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Feed My Brain and ADHD Testimonial

by Carola Wijas
Carola Wijas Junior  

Thank goodness I was introduced to TriUnity's Feed My Brain " FMB" .

My son is 17 and he has ADHD. I figured this out when he was in the 5th grade. I didnt want to accept it but broke down in tears and decided the teachers were right and I took him to the doctor. He has been on medication ever sence.

He is a good kid and loves everybody...and I always tell him I love him.It has been a very hard struggle for me with his school work...mostly now that he is in high school.

He is in 10th grade and is doing all 9th grade classes because he failed them all in 9th grade.

He was getting all E's this year as well ,up untill this month.. I wil explain later...I learned now a few years have gone by...that if I could do it again I would of researched and seen what ADHD is actually doing to kids at that young of age.

Yelling, grounding,taking away privilages...DID NO GOOD!!!

We even told him he could have a brand new snowmobile if he could pick up his grades!!!

It didnt why not??? Because it was something he could not controll! It's not that he did not try...he did!

I only give him adderall when he goes to school. Not during summer because I can handle him at home...he just cant stay on tasks.

So when I joined TriUnity I learned a little more about the FMB.

Why join a company if you do not want to try the products.

Well, I know this is not a 100% turn around , but you tell me,

He was getting straight E's all year so far and last week he brought his grade up to THIS.. C, C+,D, D-, E, E !!!

I AM SOOO HAPPY! I know it is still bad and most kids would be grounded for life with a report like this... but if you know where my son was , and where he is at this point then you would see something great is happening here!

I believe that the product I am giving him called Feed My Brain is helping make a difference.

I know what you eat can have a big effect on an ADHD child.

"Feed My Brain " is smart nutrition for the mind.

20 years of research has gone into this product.

F.M.B. is a DRUG FREE, supplement that contains over 50 natural ingredients, including 14 learning nutrients and natural compounds found in fruits and vegetables that are building blocks for the human brain.

The nutrients in F.M.B. help support mental energy and the neurotransmitters that enhance brain function and memory!

Children have shown improvement in grades!

It even helps children with Attention Deficit and has been shown to improve innate IQ in all age categories.

It's 100% natural and DRUG FREE.

"I have been giving my son this for 2 months now..and so there were not instant results.

But it is taking shape now and I am seeing things happening including his eagerness to even read the newspaper!

He likes picking out a news story and reading it to me. I let him because it is now "our thing we do" I see maturity also...but know for a fact that FMB is making a difference! I Know It!!

Very soon my son will be 18 and out of my grasp if he choses to be. I am running out of time to have him as my little boy. I want to do all I can for him and show him all the love I can because I do understand the place he is in. Better then ever before. Time is precious with your children. They grow up so fast...

Take advantage and do what you can for them while they are still in your grasp and care.

You can learn more about FMB by visiting

Or email me at
Feb 28th 2008 13:51

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